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Difference between revisions of "Beast Duster"

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(Restored Old Revision #23733 by Damemon from 2020-10-11T05:06:12 | Manually triggered page update by aytimothy)
(Restored Old Revision #24454 by Damemon from 2020-12-27T06:46:19 | Manually triggered page update by aytimothy)
Line 145: Line 145:
| 威力 (Power) || 522 || 1431
| 威力 (Power) || 522 || 1431
| 充填 (Heating) || 180 || 180
| 充填 (Heating) || 180 || 461
| 冷却 (Cooldown) || 207 || 497
| 冷却 (Cooldown) || 207 || 497

Revision as of 04:02, 5 April 2021

#209 Beast Duster (びーすとだすたー) is a Medabot with the model number GRA04.

A scrap version of Medabots, which is a weapon type but is called the King of Beasts.

As a result of replacing the box that had fallen all over the place because the parts that support the legs were missing, the load-bearing performance was significantly reduced, and the original high heat power could not be exhibited.


Friend Point Gatcha

Medapart Stats


Stat Level 1 Level 90
Death Blast (ですぶらすと)
装甲 (Armor) 320 3099
成功 (Success) 332 988
威力 (Power) 202 685
充填 (Heating) 333 665
冷却 (Cooldown) 207 497
回数 (Ammo) 6 6
HV 1
Deals bonus damage to heavy parts. Also has 2x success if above a certain Medacharge amount.
Rank 1 x2 Success requires 70% charge
Rank 2 x2 Success requires 60% charge
Rank 3 x2 Success requires 50% charge
Rank 4 x2 Success requires 40% charge
Rank 5 x2 Success requires 30% charge, x3 at 100%
Ability Name Press (プレス)
Type RangeIcon.png Shooting

Left Arm

Stat Level 1 Level 90
Death Bomb (ですぼむ)
装甲 (Armor) 220 2599
成功 (Success) 306 925
威力 (Power) 612 1639
充填 (Heating) 153 425
冷却 (Cooldown) 189 473
HV 1
Deals damage to all of the target's parts.
Rank 1 No Bonus
Rank 2 Power +100
Rank 3 Power +200
Rank 4 Power +300
Rank 5 Power +400 & Always hits
Ability Name Missile (ミサイル)
Type RangeIcon.png Shooting

Right Arm

Stat Level 1 Level 90
Death Laser (ですれーざー)
装甲 (Armor) 220 2599
成功 (Success) 234 759
威力 (Power) 522 1431
充填 (Heating) 180 461
冷却 (Cooldown) 207 497
HV 1
Deals Optical Damage. Has 1.5x damage and success rate if above a certain Medacharge amount.
Rank 1 x1.5 Damage/Success requires 70% charge
Rank 2 x1.5 Damage/Success requires 60% charge
Rank 3 x1.5 Damage/Success requires 50% charge
Rank 4 x1.5 Damage/Success requires 40% charge
Rank 5 x1.5 Damage/Success requires 30% charge, x2 at 100%
Ability Name Laser (レーザー)
Type RangeIcon.png Shooting


Stat Level 1 Level 90
Spaghetti (すぱげてー)
HVリミット (HV Limit) 0
装甲 (Armor) 340 3199
回避 (Anti-melee) 208 518
格耐 (Status-proof) 240 592
射耐 (Anti-ranged) 528 1264
尭冷 (Base Speed) 168 445
Rank 1 ???
Rank 2 ???
Rank 3 ???
Rank 4 ???
Rank 5 ???
Ability Name ??? (???)
Type MultiLegIcon.png Multiped

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