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Difference between revisions of "Medaforce List"

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(Restored Old Revision #2972 by Aytimothy from 2020-03-14T03:25:49 |)
(Restored Old Revision #18179 by Aytimothy from 2020-09-19T09:54:40 |)
(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Refer to [https://medarot.meowcorp.us/wiki/Medaforces_in_Medarot_S https://medarot.meowcorp.us/wiki/Medaforces_in_Medarot_S] while this is still being written.
This is a list of all Medaforces available in the game. For medal allocation, see [[Medal List]].

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! Name
! Name
! Effect
! Effect
| 3
| 3
| Stealth Attack<br>ステルスアタック
| Stealth Attack<br>ステルスアタック
| Attacks a single enemy with a "Stealth Attack". Has a pierce effect and does more damage if the user's legs have a higher speed stat, but fails if it hits an enemy during its charge phase.
| Inflicts a single enemy with a single "Stealth Attack". Has a pierce effect and does more damage if the enemy has a higher speed stat, but fails if it hits the enemy while they are charging.
| 4
| 4
| genocide<br>ジェノサイド
| Genocide<br>ジェノサイド
| 相手全員にデストロイ攻撃をしかける。
| Attacks all enemy Medabots with a Destroy attack.
| 5
| 5
| Hobiriti<br>ホビリティ
| Hobbility<br>ホビリティ
| 相手全員に攻撃をおこない、回避性能を下げる【症状:ホビリティ】を付与する。
| Attacks and inflicts all enemy Medabots with "Hobbility", with lowers their heating and cooling stats.
| 6
| 6
| survival<br>サバイバル
| Survival<br>サバイバル
| 相手全員に攻撃をおこない、すべての回復技を封じる【症状:サバイバル】を付与する。
| Attacks all enemy Medarots at once and inflicts the "Survival" status, which prevents all healing actions.
| 7
| 7
| Level Lost<br>レベルロスト
| Level Lost<br>レベルロスト
| 相手全員に攻撃をおこない、全スキルレベルを1/2にする【症状:レベルロスト】を付与する。
| Attacks all enemy Medarots at once and inflicts the "Level Lost" status, which temporarily halves all of their skill levels.
| 8
| 8
| Non'ibashibu<br>ノンイバーシブ
| Non-Evasive<br>ノンイバーシブ
| 相手全員に攻撃をおこない、防御・回避不可となる【症状:ノンイバーシブ】を付与する。
| Attacks all enemy Medarots at once and inflicts the "Non-Evasive" status, which prevents them from defending or evading.
| 15
| 15
| Fusillade<br>一斉射撃
| Cluster Shot<br>一斉射撃
| 相手1体の全パーツに、すべての射撃系パーツの威力を結集して強力な一撃を発射する。
| Attacks all of one enemy's parts with with the combined power value of the user's shooting parts.
| 16
| 16
| Needle shot<br>ニードルショット
| Needle shot<br>ニードルショット
| 相手1体に、かならずあたまパーツにヒットする攻撃おこなう。
| Attacks a single enemy with a 100% chance of hitting the target's head part.
| 17
| 17
| Lock Rusher<br>ロックラッシャー
| Rock Rusher<br>ロックラッシャー
| 相手1体の頭部パーツを除く最も装甲が高いパーツを破壊する。
| Attacks a single enemy with a 100% chance of hitting and destroying the part with the highest armor (excluding the head).
| 18
| 18
| Sonic shot<br>ソニックショット
| Sonic Shot<br>ソニックショット
| 相手全員に装備中のもっとも威力の高い射撃パーツのパワーを使って攻撃を放つ
| Attacks all enemy Medarots at once with the power of the user's strongest equipped shooting part.
| 19
| 19
| Burning<br>バーニング
| Burning<br>バーニング
| 相手全員に攻撃をおこない、継続ダメージを与える【症状:ファイア】を付与する。
| Inflicts Fire on all enemies. (Deals damage over time)
| 20
| 20
| Lightning<br>ライトニング
| Lightning<br>ライトニング
| 相手全員に攻撃をおこない、行動をしばらく停止させる【症状:サンダー】を付与する。
| Inflicts Thunder on all enemies. (Paralyses enemies)
| 21
| 21
| binder<br>バインダー
| Binder<br>バインダー
| 相手全員に攻撃をおこない、充填・冷却性能を下げ、回避不能にする【症状:ホールド】を付与する。
| Inflicts Hold on all enemies (Slows and prevents evasion)
| 22
| 22
| Horizontal flash<br>横一閃
| Horizontal Flash<br>横一閃
| 相手全員に装備中のもっとも威力の高い格闘パーツのパワーを使って攻撃を放つ
| Attacks all enemy Medarots at once with the power of the user's strongest equipped melee part.
| 23
| 23
| Cutting straight down<br>カラタケワリ
| Bisecting Strike<br>カラタケワリ
| 相手1体の全パーツに、すべての格闘系パーツの威力を結集して強力な一撃を発射する。
| Attacks all of one enemy's parts with with the combined power value of the user's melee parts.
| 24
| 24
| Body blow<br>たいあたり
| Tackle<br>たいあたり
| 敵1体にレベル相当のダメージを与える。
| Deals damage based on the Medabot's level a single enemy/part.
| 26
| 26
| Berserk<br>バーサーク
| Berserk<br>バーサーク
| 自分自身にロボトル終了まで威力性能がアップする【症状:バーサーク】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot with "Berserk". (Increases the power of all Medaparts until the end of battle)
| 27
| 27
| In coacervation<br>インベーション
| Invation<br>インベーション
| 味方全員に全ての地形相性をよくする【症状:インベーション】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Invasion". (Automatically makes their legs type compatible with the terrain regardless of actual compatibility)
| 28
| 28
| Overdrive<br>オーバードライブ
| Overdrive<br>オーバードライブ
| 味方全員の充填・冷却性能がアップする【症状:オーバードライブ】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Overdrive". (Increases speed, cooldown and heating)
| 29
| 29
| High Mobility<br>ハイモビリティ
| High Mobility<br>ハイモビリティ
| 味方全員に回避性能がアップする【症状:ハイモビリティ】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "High Mobility". (Increases evasion)
| 30
| 30
| High defense<br>ハイディフェンス
| High Defense<br>ハイディフェンス
| 味方全員に防御性能がアップする【症状:ハイディフェンス】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "High Defense". (Increases resistance)
| 31
| 31
| Super search<br>スーパーサーチ
| Super Search<br>スーパーサーチ
| 味方全員に成功性能がアップする【症状:スーパーサーチ】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Super Search". (Increases success)
| 32
| 32
| Shinobi action<br>シノビアクション
| Shinobi Action<br>シノビアクション
| 味方全員の成功と回避性能がアップする【症状:シノビアクション】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Shinobi Action". (Increases success and evasion)
| 33
| 33
| Power up<br>パワーアップ
| Power Up<br>パワーアップ
| 味方全員のパーツ性能が全体的にアップする【症状:パワーアップ】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Power Up". (Increases all stats)
| 34
| 34
| protection<br>プロテクション
| Protection<br>プロテクション
| 味方全員に重力・火薬・光学ダメージとマイナス症状を無効化する【症状:プロテクション】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Protection". (Negates status effects and decreases damage from Optical, Gravity or Gunpowder attacks.
| 35
| 35
| Impressions Guna Bull<br>インプレグナブル
| Impregnable<br>インプレグナブル
| 味方全員の受けるダメージが1/2になる【症状:インプレグナブル】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Impregnable". (Halves all damage taken)
| 36
| 36
| Ekusupuroshibu<br>エクスプロシブ
| Explosive<br>エクスプロシブ
| 味方全員のしゃげき攻撃が絶対ヒット&貫通効果になる【症状:エクスプロシブ】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Explosive". (Makes all shooting attacks now pierce and never miss)
| 37
| 37
| Optical<br>オプチカル
| Optical<br>オプチカル
| 味方全員のしゃげき攻撃の威力が2倍になる【症状:オプチカル】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Optical". (Doubles the power of all shooting attacks)
| 38
| 38
| Gravity<br>グラビティ
| Gravity<br>グラビティ
| 味方全員のしゃげき攻撃の成功が2倍になる【症状:グラビティ】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Gravity". (Doubles the success of all shooting attacks)
| 39
| 39
| Burn<br>バーン
| Burn<br>バーン
| 味方全員のかくとう攻撃にファイア効果を加える【症状:バーン】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Burn". (All attacks now inflict "Fire", which is damage over time)
| 40
| 40
| bind<br>バインド
| Bind<br>バインド
| 味方全員のかくとう攻撃にホールド効果を加える【症状:バインド】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Bind". (All attacks now inflict Wave, which prevents dodge, and reduces Heating and Cooling for all parts by 25%)
| 41
| 41
| Stasis<br>ステイシス
| Stasis<br>ステイシス
| 味方全員のかくとう攻撃にサンダー効果を加える【症状:ステイシス】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Stasis". (All attacks now also inflict Thunder, which is paralysis)
| 42
| 42
| float<br>フロート
| Float<br>フロート
| 味方全員の脚部タイプを「浮遊」にする【症状:フロート】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Float". (Makes all leg types count as "Float")
| 43
| 43
| Super charge<br>スーパーチャージ
| Super Charge<br>スーパーチャージ
| 味方全員の次の行動までの充填時間をカットする。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Super Charge". (Increases the Medabot's next turn's heating or cooling).
| 45
| 45
| Rest Nation<br>レストネーション
| Restoration<br>レストネーション
| 味方全員の全パーツのダメージを回復する。
| Completely heals all allied Medaparts. (Does not restore broken Medaparts)
| 46
| 46
| Hyper repair<br>ハイパーリペア
| Hyper Repair<br>ハイパーリペア
| 味方全員に継続リペアの効果【症状:ハイパーリペア】を付与する。
| Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Hyper Repair". (All parts repair damage over time)
| 47
| 47
| All Reverse<br>オールリバース
| All Rebirth<br>オールリバース
| 味方全員の機能停止したメダロットを復活させる。
| Revives all Function Ceased; destroyed Medabots on the user's team.
| 48
| 48
| Regenerating rate<br>リジェネレート
| Regenerate<br>リジェネレート
| 味方全員の破壊されたパーツをすべて再生する。
| Revives all destroyed parts on the user's team.
| 49
| 49
| Reload<br>リロード
| Reload<br>リロード
| 味方全員の頭部パーツの回数が回復する。
| Refills all head part uses on the user's team
| 51
| 51
| Reflector<br>リフレクター
| Reflector<br>リフレクター
| 味方への攻撃に対して1回身代わりとなり2倍の威力ではね返す。
| Guards against the enemy's next attack and reflects it back at the attacker with double power.
| 52
| 52
| Brave<br>ブレイブ
| Brave<br>ブレイブ
| 味方への攻撃に対して1回身代わりとなり必ず回避する。
| Guards against the enemy's next attack and guarantees that it will miss.
| 54
| 54
| Wonder plant<br>ワンダープラント
| Wonder Plant<br>ワンダープラント
| 味方エリアに充填と冷却がアップする「ワンダープラント」を設置する。重ね掛けしても効果は上がらない。
| Lays a "Wonder Plant" on the user's side of the field that raises the team's charge and cooldown stats. (Can't stack with itself.)
| 55
| 55
| S repair plant<br>Sリペアプラント
| S Repair Plant<br>Sリペアプラント
| 味方エリアにアクティブライン到着のたびに全パーツの装甲が少し回復する「Sリペアプラント」を設置する。
| Places a plant on the player's side of the field which heals damaged parts whenever a Medabot reaches the action plate.
| 56
| 56
| Down plant<br>ダウンプラント
| Down Plant<br>ダウンプラント
| 味方エリアに相手の充填と冷却が下がる「ダウンプラント」を設置する。重ね掛けしても効果は上がらない。
| Lays a "Down Plant" on the enemy's side of the field that lowers the team's charge and cooldown stats. (Can't stack with itself.)
| 57
| 57
| Attack trap<br>アタックトラップ
| Attack Trap<br>アタックトラップ
| 味方エリアのトラップを破壊し、相手エリアに攻撃パーツの使用に反応する「こうげきトラップ」を設置する。
| Destroys any traps on the user's side of the field and lays an "Attack Trap" on the enemy's side, which triggers when the enemy uses attacking parts.
| 58
| 58
| Effects wrap<br>エフェクトラップ
| Effect Trap<br>エフェクトラップ
| 味方エリアのトラップを破壊し、相手エリアに攻撃以外のパーツ使用に反応する「しえんトラップ」を設置する。
| Destroys any traps on the user's side of the field and lays a "Support Trap" on the enemy's side, which triggers when the enemy uses non-attacking parts.
| 59
| 59
| C absorber<br>Cアブソーバー
| Charge Absorber<br>Cアブソーバー
| 味方も相手もチャージゲージが上昇しなくなる「Cアブソーバー」プラントを設置する。
| Places a plant which increases the amount of Medaforce charged in a charging action for allies.
= See Also =
* [https://medarot.meowcorp.us/wiki/Medaforces_in_Medarot_S https://medarot.meowcorp.us/wiki/Medaforces_in_Medarot_S]

Latest revision as of 08:52, 5 April 2021

This is a list of all Medaforces available in the game. For medal allocation, see Medal List.

ID Name Effect
3 Stealth Attack
Inflicts a single enemy with a single "Stealth Attack". Has a pierce effect and does more damage if the enemy has a higher speed stat, but fails if it hits the enemy while they are charging.
4 Genocide
Attacks all enemy Medabots with a Destroy attack.
5 Hobbility
Attacks and inflicts all enemy Medabots with "Hobbility", with lowers their heating and cooling stats.
6 Survival
Attacks all enemy Medarots at once and inflicts the "Survival" status, which prevents all healing actions.
7 Level Lost
Attacks all enemy Medarots at once and inflicts the "Level Lost" status, which temporarily halves all of their skill levels.
8 Non-Evasive
Attacks all enemy Medarots at once and inflicts the "Non-Evasive" status, which prevents them from defending or evading.
15 Cluster Shot
Attacks all of one enemy's parts with with the combined power value of the user's shooting parts.
16 Needle shot
Attacks a single enemy with a 100% chance of hitting the target's head part.
17 Rock Rusher
Attacks a single enemy with a 100% chance of hitting and destroying the part with the highest armor (excluding the head).
18 Sonic Shot
Attacks all enemy Medarots at once with the power of the user's strongest equipped shooting part.
19 Burning
Inflicts Fire on all enemies. (Deals damage over time)
20 Lightning
Inflicts Thunder on all enemies. (Paralyses enemies)
21 Binder
Inflicts Hold on all enemies (Slows and prevents evasion)
22 Horizontal Flash
Attacks all enemy Medarots at once with the power of the user's strongest equipped melee part.
23 Bisecting Strike
Attacks all of one enemy's parts with with the combined power value of the user's melee parts.
24 Tackle
Deals damage based on the Medabot's level a single enemy/part.
26 Berserk
Buffs the casting Medabot with "Berserk". (Increases the power of all Medaparts until the end of battle)
27 Invation
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Invasion". (Automatically makes their legs type compatible with the terrain regardless of actual compatibility)
28 Overdrive
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Overdrive". (Increases speed, cooldown and heating)
29 High Mobility
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "High Mobility". (Increases evasion)
30 High Defense
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "High Defense". (Increases resistance)
31 Super Search
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Super Search". (Increases success)
32 Shinobi Action
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Shinobi Action". (Increases success and evasion)
33 Power Up
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Power Up". (Increases all stats)
34 Protection
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Protection". (Negates status effects and decreases damage from Optical, Gravity or Gunpowder attacks.
35 Impregnable
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Impregnable". (Halves all damage taken)
36 Explosive
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Explosive". (Makes all shooting attacks now pierce and never miss)
37 Optical
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Optical". (Doubles the power of all shooting attacks)
38 Gravity
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Gravity". (Doubles the success of all shooting attacks)
39 Burn
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Burn". (All attacks now inflict "Fire", which is damage over time)
40 Bind
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Bind". (All attacks now inflict Wave, which prevents dodge, and reduces Heating and Cooling for all parts by 25%)
41 Stasis
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Stasis". (All attacks now also inflict Thunder, which is paralysis)
42 Float
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Float". (Makes all leg types count as "Float")
43 Super Charge
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Super Charge". (Increases the Medabot's next turn's heating or cooling).
45 Restoration
Completely heals all allied Medaparts. (Does not restore broken Medaparts)
46 Hyper Repair
Buffs the casting Medabot's team with "Hyper Repair". (All parts repair damage over time)
47 All Rebirth
Revives all Function Ceased; destroyed Medabots on the user's team.
48 Regenerate
Revives all destroyed parts on the user's team.
49 Reload
Refills all head part uses on the user's team
51 Reflector
Guards against the enemy's next attack and reflects it back at the attacker with double power.
52 Brave
Guards against the enemy's next attack and guarantees that it will miss.
54 Wonder Plant
Lays a "Wonder Plant" on the user's side of the field that raises the team's charge and cooldown stats. (Can't stack with itself.)
55 S Repair Plant
Places a plant on the player's side of the field which heals damaged parts whenever a Medabot reaches the action plate.
56 Down Plant
Lays a "Down Plant" on the enemy's side of the field that lowers the team's charge and cooldown stats. (Can't stack with itself.)
57 Attack Trap
Destroys any traps on the user's side of the field and lays an "Attack Trap" on the enemy's side, which triggers when the enemy uses attacking parts.
58 Effect Trap
Destroys any traps on the user's side of the field and lays a "Support Trap" on the enemy's side, which triggers when the enemy uses non-attacking parts.
59 Charge Absorber
Places a plant which increases the amount of Medaforce charged in a charging action for allies.

Page generated by script. English may be scruffy as this is reliant on automatic translation. Manual English translations to come.

See Also