If you want to contribute, please contact @aytimothy on Discord. (Logins and registrations are disabled due to bot spam)

Medarot S Wiki: About

From Medarot S Wiki
Revision as of 17:40, 5 April 2021 by Damemon (talk | contribs) (Restored Old Revision #360 by Aytimothy from 2020-03-22T02:47:11 |)
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The Medabot S Wiki, hosted and created by aytimothy with the help of his friends (see Medarot S Wiki:Credits) on the Medabots Discord (mainly of Western fans) to document and help English-speaking players understand the game.

You may use anything on this wiki as long as it is not to make money (so no ads, for example), the contributors are credited and is open source. I'm looking at you BoomApp and several other Japanese outlets.

The above clause only applies to informational blogs/blog-apps. If you are writing a calculator, you're in the clear.


This wiki was taken down and resurrected in the dark net. btw, there's five jumps to the real server. View the original takedown here: Medarot S Wiki:DMCA Takedown