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Castle of Witches: Cave Exploration Treasure Hunt/Story 3

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Speaker Text
Kuwagata Baizan That's right ... I'm sorry I lost.
I'm lying, I can't believe it ...
Icon Arase.png Somehow, I'm really depressed.
Icon Marin.png The small body is curled up and shrunk more.
Kuwagata Baizan No ... it's different. This is something wrong!
The truth is, you must have won!
Icon CrossMessiah.png It's a wonderful loss.
It seems that it was a shock to lose so much.
Icon Arase.png Um ... Then, if you can find the treasure
Isn't it okay for you and us to divide the mountain?
Kuwagata Baizan What, what! ??
Kuu, I'm sorry to ridicule you! ??
Kuwagata Baizan No compassion for the samurai! Excuse me for 10 million!
I'm sorry for making such a proposal from here!
Icon Arase.png Ah ... I went.
Icon Marin.png It's like a child to start crying.
Titania Nyachin I'm sorry, haha
Icon Marin.png Yes! I wouldn't cry at this level!
Let's move on!
???? ...... I found it. Are you guys?
I'm sniffing around the treasure.
Icon CrossMessiah.png ...... Hmm. Once again, even if you look at Tytania
Did anyone appear who wouldn't run away?
Titania To the back of the sword
I don't know what to do
???? I'm not scared of you.
As long as you have a gun with this arm ...
Kabuto Benimaru Listen to my name. I'm Kabuto Benimaru.
As a bounty hunter ... I will get the treasure here by myself.
Kabuto Benimaru You know, you guys are also aiming for treasure, right?
Unfortunately, I'll ask you to turn back here.
Icon Arase.png There was also a while ago, such a flow.
Icon Marin.png Yes. This Medabots,
It looks a little like Stag Beetle.
Icon Arase.png If you say so ... Is it a brother machine?
Kabuto Benimaru Chit. I'm dying to be with that guy ...!
Seeing this ability, can we still say the same thing! ??
Titania !! Nanabua! Wow
Icon CrossMessiah.png Hmm ... It's called a quick shot.
Is Medabots good at super-fast shooting?
Icon Marin.png Fast-shooting gunman!
It appeared in an old movie I watched before.
Kabuto Benimaru It seems that I finally realized my horror.
If you still can't leave, I'll be your partner.
Icon Arase.png If you're good at shooting, you're not defeated.
Let's show it off, cross!
Icon CrossMessiah.png I've acknowledged.
Let's take this game and stand!
Speaker Text
クワガタバイザン そ、そんな……。せっしゃが負けたでござる。
Icon Arase.png なんだか、めちゃくちゃ落ち込んでるね。
Icon Marin.png 小さい身体が丸まって、より縮こまっています。
クワガタバイザン いや……違うでござる。これは何かの間違い!
Icon CrossMessiah.png 見事な負け惜しみですね。
Icon Arase.png えっと……。それなら、財宝を見つけられたら
クワガタバイザン な、なにぃっ!?
クワガタバイザン 武士に情けは無用!失礼千万でござるっ!
Icon Arase.png あ……行っちゃった。
Icon Marin.png 泣き出すなんて、まるでこどもみたいです。
タイタニア んゃちんいまぇねうい、ははあ
Icon Marin.png はい!わたしならこの程度で泣いたりしませんから!
???? ……見つけたぞ。おまえたちだな?
Icon CrossMessiah.png ……ほう。またもや、タイタニア様を見ても
タイタニア どけだんせくさのめたうらもてげに
???? ぼくはおまえなんかにはビビらない。
カブトベニマル ぼくの名を聞け。ぼくはカブトベニマル。
カブトベニマル 知っているぞ、おまえたちも財宝が狙いなんだろ?
Icon Arase.png さっきもあったね、こんな流れ。
Icon Marin.png はいー。このメダロットさん、
Icon Arase.png そう言われれば……。兄弟機なのかな?
カブトベニマル チッ。あんな奴と一緒にされたらたまらないな……!
タイタニア !っなぶあ!っわわあ
Icon CrossMessiah.png くっ……。早撃ち、と呼ばれるものですね。
Icon Marin.png 早撃ちガンマン!
カブトベニマル ぼくの恐ろしさがようやく分かったようだな。
Icon Arase.png 射撃の腕前なら、こっちだって負けてないよ。
Icon CrossMessiah.png 承知しました。

Page generated by script. English may be scruffy as this is reliant on automatic translation. Manual English translations to come.