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Castle of Witches: Cave Exploration Treasure Hunt/Story 5

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Speaker Text
Titania !! Isn't it?
!! If you don't know what to do
Stray Medabot Gee!
Ta, Tasket! !!
Icon Arase.png Oh, oh ... it's amazing, Tytania.
As it looks, the destructive power is outstanding ...!
Icon CrossMessiah.png Yes, it's a great power.
Stray Medabots was also scared.
Icon Marin.png It's like this for Thai-chan!
Titania ?? Lie
!! How many times, hahaha
Icon CrossMessiah.png For the time being, the surrounding stray Medabots could be eliminated.
However, that number. You will come across it again as you go down the road.
Icon Arase.png Even if you say that you are looking for treasure, if you just go to the back of the cave
I don't think I can find it ... what should I do?
Icon Marin.png Unless treasure is a metaphor for something
If you use this, you will surely find it immediately.
Icon Arase.png This is ... the machine?
Icon Marin.png It is a metal detector. Speaking of treasure, minerals and ornaments are standard.
You can use this to identify those locations.
Icon Arase.png eh! ??
Why do you have such a thing! ??
Icon Marin.png I made it now. Here is the scrap of Mr. Nora Medabots
There are many, so you can make anything!
Icon Arase.png Really a genius girl ...! !!
Icon Marin.png Anyone can make a simple metal detector.
However, I was able to widen the detection range for a quick start.
Icon Marin.png Mmm. It seems that this scrap can also be used for something.
Icon Marin.png ……Ah,
There are some parts that look good over there too!
Icon Arase.png That's amazing, Mine-chan.
I don't know which one is older.
Titania It ’s big and wide, and it ’s hard to get rid of it.
!! Hahaha, it's a lie. I'm not good
Icon CrossMessiah.png What so? Not to mention knowledge and skills
Mine seems to have more life experience.
Icon Arase.png I don't understand Tytanian words,
I know I've been ridiculed by Cross now ...
Icon CrossMessiah.png Because it is a fact. Well, talent aside
Life experience can be anything depending on Arase's efforts.
Titania Rudenyo Ganjachin Now, Rea
?? In the middle
Icon CrossMessiah.png Looks like it. Let's go to where Mine is.
Icon Marin.png There was a detector reaction over there. However,
Many stray Medabots were also wandering around.
Icon Arase.png Hmm. There seems to be no choice but to defeat it, but there is no sharpness.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Yes, it will be difficult to get through without being found.
If you get close to it, it will attack you even if you don't like it.
Titania It's hard and it's also nice, hollow. Ah
?? Inami, rags and dents,
Icon CrossMessiah.png Are you a robin with me and Tytania?
That's fine, but ...
Icon Arase.png e? What do you mean?
Icon CrossMessiah.png It seems that Tytania has an idea. Immediately,
Let's start before the stray Medabots attack!
Speaker Text
タイタニア !ぉろしんねんか
野良メダロット ギャーー!
Icon Arase.png お、おお……すごいなあ、タイタニア。
Icon CrossMessiah.png ええ、素晴らしいパワーです。
Icon Marin.png タイちゃんにかかれば、こんなものですー!
タイタニア ?うそ
Icon CrossMessiah.png ひとまず周囲の野良メダロットは排除できましたね。
Icon Arase.png 財宝を探すと言っても、ただ洞窟の奥まで行けば
Icon Marin.png 財宝というのが何かの比喩でなければ、
Icon Arase.png コレって……その機械のこと?
Icon Marin.png 金属探知機です。財宝と言えば鉱物や装飾品が定番です。
Icon Arase.png えっ!?
Icon Marin.png いま作りました。ここは野良メダロットさんのスクラップが
Icon Arase.png ほ、ほんとに天才少女なんだ……!!
Icon Marin.png 簡易的な金属探知機であれば誰でも作れます。
Icon Marin.png むむっ。このスクラップも何かに使えそうです。
Icon Marin.png ……あっ、
Icon Arase.png す、すごいなあマインちゃん。
タイタニア でりとひろごまい、らたっかないがんくせらあもで
Icon CrossMessiah.png そうでしょうか?知識や技術は勿論、
Icon Arase.png タイタニアの言葉はわからないけど、
Icon CrossMessiah.png 事実ですから。まあ、才能はともかく
タイタニア るでんよがんゃちんいま、れあ
Icon CrossMessiah.png そのようですね。マイン様のいるところに向かいましょう。
Icon Marin.png 向こうの方に探知機の反応がありました。だけど、
Icon Arase.png うーん。倒していくしかなさそうだけど、キリが無いね。
Icon CrossMessiah.png はい、見つからないよう通ることは難しいでしょう。
タイタニア もかたいついもおとこいい、くぼ。っあ
Icon CrossMessiah.png ワタクシとタイタニア様でロボトルですか?
Icon Arase.png え?ど、どういうこと?
Icon CrossMessiah.png タイタニア様にアイデアがあるそうです。さっそくですが、

Page generated by script. English may be scruffy as this is reliant on automatic translation. Manual English translations to come.