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Chapter 1/Cutscene 1-3

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To the Medalympics

Speaker Text
Icon RubberRobo.png Waaaah, I lost to a rookie, robo!
You must've cheated, robo!
Icon Arase.png I... I won?
Maybe I do have talent after all...
Icon CrossMessiah.png Overconfidence will be your undoing, Master Arase.
Do not think this much is proof of skill.
Icon Hisaki.png That was awesome, Arase!
I think you surely have some talent!
Icon Arase.png Oh, r-really? Eheheheh!
Icon Arase.png But Cross is right...
That might have been just a fluke...
Icon Arase.png I only managed to win because Cross is so strong!
Icon CrossMessiah.png Not at all, Master Arase.
Icon CrossMessiah.png As Lady Hisaki's Medarot, it is only natural
that I am capable of this much.
Icon Arase.png Right, well, thanks again! Hahaha...
Icon CrossMessiah.png .........
Icon Arase.png ( This is awkward...)
Icon Arase.png ...Oh, that reminds me-
Icon Arase.png Earlier, you said you had a favor to ask me in return for your Medarot, right?
I just got this from the Robattle, but if it's cash you want-
Icon Hisaki.png I want you to take my place in the Medalympics.
Icon Arase.png Oh, the Medalympics? Sure I'll gladly-
Icon Arase.png .........
Icon Arase.png Wait, whaaaat?!?!
Icon Arase.png Me? In the Medalympics?!
Icon Hisaki.png That's right!!
Icon Arase.png But I've only just got my first Medarot!
Icon Hisaki.png That's right.
Icon Arase.png --No, there's no way I can do this!
Icon Hisaki.png Sure you can.
Icon Arase.png What makes you so sure?!
Icon Hisaki.png Because you looked like you were having fun in that last Robattle, Arase.
Icon Arase.png Ahahaha...
Man, I can't argue with that bright smile...
Icon Hisaki.png Also, I think both you and Cross make a great team!
Icon Arase.png R-really...?
Icon CrossMessiah.png Is that... really correct...?
Icon Hisaki.png Of course! You two go well together!
You have to compete in the Medalympics!
Icon Arase.png You sure are optimistic, Hisaki.
Icon Arase.png (But it sounds like a nice opportunity...
The Medalympics, huh...)
Icon Arase.png All right... I'll compete in the Medalympics for you, Hisaki!
Icon Hisaki.png Aim for first place!!
Icon CrossMessiah.png A wise decision.
Icon Arase.png ....Don't put so much pressure on me.
You're making me nervous already.
Icon Hisaki.png Oh that's right! We should do some practice before the tournament starts!
Icon Hisaki.png If you want to get better, you have to practice a lot, right?
I'll be sure to give lots of advice along the way!
Icon Hisaki.png Besides that, I want to have
a Robattle with you and Cross!
Icon CrossMessiah.png A... Robattle? With you?
Icon Arase.png Please at least go easy on me......?
Icon Hisaki.png Um.. You're allowed to use a maximum of three Medabots, so...
here, have this Kabuto and Kawagata medal!
Icon Hisaki.png Once you obtain some new Medaparts,
don't forget to use these medals with them!
Icon Hisaki.png We can go to the mountain along the outskirts of town, and...
Icon Hisaki.png ...we can Robattle all the farm Medabots living around here!
Icon Hisaki.png After this, I can
give you all sorts of advise!
Icon Arase.png Wait, this isn't an official Robattle, is it?
End of scene
Speaker Text
Icon RubberRobo.png うわーん! 初心者に負けたロボ!!
Icon Arase.png か、勝っちゃった……?
Icon CrossMessiah.png 増長は失敗の種ですよ、アラセ様。
Icon Hisaki.png カッコよかったです! アラセさん!
Icon Arase.png そ、そう!? えへへへっ!
Icon Arase.png で、でも、そうだよな……。
Icon Arase.png 最初のロボトルで勝てたのは、
Icon CrossMessiah.png とんでもございません、アラセ様。
Icon CrossMessiah.png 元、お嬢様のメダロットとして
Icon Arase.png あ、改めてよろしくな!! ははは……。
Icon CrossMessiah.png …………。
Icon Arase.png (距離を感じる……)
Icon Arase.png ……っと、そういえば。
Icon Arase.png さっき条件とか言ってたよね?
Icon Hisaki.png わたしの代わりに
Icon Arase.png へえ、メダリンピックに?
Icon Arase.png …………。
Icon Arase.png ――えーっ!?!?!?!?
Icon Arase.png オレがメダリンピックに出場ーー!?
Icon Hisaki.png はい!!
Icon Arase.png さっきメダロットを
Icon Hisaki.png はい。
Icon Arase.png ――いや、無理じゃないかなっ!?
Icon Hisaki.png 無理じゃありません。
Icon Arase.png なんで!?
Icon Hisaki.png アラセさん、ロボトル楽しそうでしたから。
Icon Arase.png あははは……。
Icon Hisaki.png それに、わたし思うんです。
Icon Arase.png ……そ、そうかな?
Icon CrossMessiah.png 誠に……その通りかと……。
Icon Hisaki.png ほら! お似合いですっ!
Icon Arase.png ヒサキちゃん、ポジティブだなぁ。
Icon Arase.png (まあでも、メダリンピックか……。{r} あの大会に、オレが……)
Icon Arase.png わかった……ヒサキちゃんの代わりに、{r}メダリンピック参加してみようかなっ!!
Icon Hisaki.png ――目指せ優勝ですね!
Icon CrossMessiah.png 英断です。
Icon Arase.png ……ハードル上げないで、緊張で吐きそう。
Icon Hisaki.png そうだ! 大会前に練習しましょうか!
Icon Hisaki.png 上達するためにも、練習あるのみですよ!
Icon Hisaki.png それに、わたしもアラセさんと{r}クロスとロボトルしてみたいですし。
Icon CrossMessiah.png お嬢様と、ロボトルですか……?
Icon Arase.png お、お手柔らかにお願いします……。
Icon Hisaki.png あと、ロボトルは最大3体までメダロットを使えるので
Icon Hisaki.png 新しいパーツを手に入れたら、{r}ぜひ、こちらのメダルも使ってみてください!
Icon Hisaki.png では、街はずれの裏山に移動して、
Icon Hisaki.png そこに生息している、野良メダロットさんたちと
たっくさん ロボトルしましょっ!
Icon Hisaki.png その後で、わたしから
Icon Arase.png じっ、実戦主義過ぎない!?