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Chapter 10/Cutscene 10-END

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Speaker Text
Icon MrOruchi.png Winner! Arase Oosumi!
Our final tournament participant has been decided!
Icon Arase.png YES!!
Thank you very much!
Icon Arase.png ... but we still haven't seen Shrimplips yet...
Did he forfeit?
Icon Hisaki.png Or maybe he's secretly hiding somewhere...
I'm also worried about Mr. Renegade, who we left behind.
Icon Arase.png I wonder if Koshimaru still in the tournament?
Alright, let's look around for him...
Icon Arase.png If we catch something,
Koshimaru is going to have a peace of mind.
Icon Hisaki.png Yes, let's do it!
Hahaha, that's expected of Arase!
Icon Arase.png Hehehe, I didn't do much... But..
Icon CrossMessiah.png You know, it would've sound
much cooler if you didn't say that.
End of Cutscene
Speaker Text
Icon MrOruchi.png 勝者!大隅アラセ選手!
Icon Arase.png よっしゃ!
Icon Arase.png ううーん、でも、サラミの姿は見かけなかったね……。
Icon Hisaki.png こっそり隠れて行動しているのかもしれませんね……。
Icon Arase.png コイシマルはまだ試合中か……。
Icon Arase.png 少しでも何かつかめれば、
Icon Hisaki.png ……はい、そうしましょう!
Icon Arase.png へへへ!それほどでも~!
Icon CrossMessiah.png ……その一言がなければ