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Chapter 11/Cutscene 11-END

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Into the Caverns Again

Speaker Text
Icon CrossMessiah.png I've suppressed it, Arase!
Icon Arase.png What the heck is it anyway?
It's a Medabot alright, but I don't see its partner anywhere...
Icon Erika.png Medabots aren't supposed to be able to injure people either.
I'm guessing this one does not have its limiter...
Icon Erika.png So just like how Cross does not have one...
... This smells fishy.
Icon Hisaki.png Why is it coming for us anyway?
After all, Cross was something my uncle made anyway.
Icon Arase.png ... It definitely has something to do with that suspicious cave in the mountains.
Icon Ikki.png Does it even exist?
Icon Arase.png Yup, and it's really spacious too.
The Rubber Robos use it as a hideout.
Icon Arase.png In fact Hisaki's
friends managed to chase them away.
Icon Ikki.png Eh!? Really?
No wonder the Rubber Robo Gang aren't around as much anymore.
Icon Ikki.png Yes! From now on,
we'll come along and help you guys.
Icon Erika.png Of course, and I'll be along too!
I'm a journalist and I can't miss this scoop!
Icon Arase.png Really? Thanks!
Icon Arase.png We can go in as a small team and
Ikki and Erika can both sneak through their base.
Icon Hisaki.png I'll need to get in touch with Koshimaru too!
Icon Arase.png Alright!
Alright, let's try again!
End of Cutscene
Speaker Text
Icon CrossMessiah.png 鎮圧、完了いたしました。アラセ様。
Icon Arase.png いったいどういうこと……?
Icon Erika.png メダロット三ヶ条ね。メダロットが人に危害を加えないよう、
Icon Erika.png その機能が外された、クロスの同型機体……。{r}……これは事件のニオイがするわ。
Icon Hisaki.png この子はいったい、どこから来たのかしら……。
Icon Arase.png ……やっぱり、怪しいのは裏山の洞窟、かな。
Icon Ikki.png そんなところがあるの?
Icon Arase.png うん。裏山にかなり広い洞窟があるんだけど、
Icon Arase.png 実は、今サキちゃん……、
Icon Ikki.png えっ!?そうなの!?
Icon Ikki.png ……よし!今度は、ぼくが手助けするよ!{r}ぼくも連れてってくれないかな!?
Icon Erika.png もちろんわたしも行くわ。{r}ジャーナリストとして当然じゃない!
Icon Arase.png えっ、いいの!?やった!
Icon Arase.png 少数で突撃したときは大変だったけど、
Icon Hisaki.png 一度コイシマルさんにも、ご連絡しましょう!
Icon Arase.png そうだね!{r}仕切り直しで、乗り込むぞ!!