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Chapter 12/Cutscene 12-END

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Speaker Text
Icon Seaslug.png ... Nargh!! Don't think you've won!
Icon Seaslug.png This wasn't my plan in the first place!
The beast will betray you?
Icon Arase.png Eh? What are you talking about?
Icon Seaslug.png That's our Plan B!
The beast's production has just finished!
Icon Seaslug.png I'll let you run away and win.
Just retreat, idiot!
Icon Arase.png Wait up...
Quickly escape?
Icon Koshimaru.png Here's our chance, we
can escape with Saki!
Icon Saki.png Of course not! I won't lose!
But thanks for rescuing...
Icon Ikki.png After that I'll report this to the Selects and leave it to us!
For now we should retreat and do some research.
Icon Erika.png Obviously not?
Besides, what the hell is the Rubber Robo's base anyway?
Icon Hisaki.png Exactly!
We might find something...
Icon Arase.png Yeah, isn't this place
a factory? Maybe?
Icon Arase.png It looks like they're making
parts here or something.
Icon Arase.png Hangon, doesn't this look like Cross?
Icon Ikki.png It really does! It's like the same type,
but surely Cross is...
Icon Hisaki.png My uncle kinda made Cross for me,
so maybe this is the Medabot that developed it?
Icon Hisaki.png It's being
mass-produced here! How can such a thing happen?
Icon Erika.png Uhh.. Guys, we're being attacked by more Cross(s)...
... This is not good...
Icon Ikki.png Wait, Erika!
Icon Hisaki.png ... I can't believe it...
Icon CrossMessiah.png ... My master is Arase.
Icon Arase.png Mm. Exactly! Me and Cross are partners!
He's different from all the Medabots in here!
Icon Erika.png I think all of these Crosses are inferior to our Cross (Messiah)!
Icon Arase.png Haha, it looks like that.
Thanks for the clarification Erika.
Icon Erika.png We should retreat now and let the Select's take over.
If we stay here, we'll be in trouble!
Icon Arase.png Yup, let's retreat for now!
Icon Arase.png A factory that produces Cross(s)? What the hell.
End of Cutscene
Speaker Text
Icon Seaslug.png ……ぬっぐぅぅぅ。
Icon Seaslug.png そもそも、こんな予定ではなかったんだ!
Icon Arase.png えっ、それ、どういう……?
Icon Seaslug.png 仕方ない!かくなる上は、プランBだ!
Icon Seaslug.png そうと決まれば逃げるが勝ち!
Icon Arase.png あっ、こら待て!!
Icon Koshimaru.png くそー、逃しちゃったか!
Icon Saki.png 当然じゃない。あんなのには負けないわ。
Icon Ikki.png 後はセレクト隊に通報して、任せればいいと思うけど……。
Icon Erika.png あったりまえじゃない!!
Icon Hisaki.png そ、そうですね……!
Icon Arase.png そもそも、この場所はいったい……
Icon Arase.png パーツっぽいものもあるし……、
Icon Arase.png これ、なんか……クロスにそっくりじゃない?
Icon Ikki.png 本当だ。同型機……?
Icon Hisaki.png クロスは、おじさまが わたしのために
Icon Hisaki.png それなのに……
Icon Erika.png でも、ほら!わたしたち、クロスの同型機に襲われてるし!
Icon Ikki.png ちょ、ちょっとアリカ……!
Icon Hisaki.png そんな……そんなわけ……!!
Icon CrossMessiah.png ……ワタクシの主はアラセ様です。
Icon Arase.png うん。わかってるよ、クロスはオレの相棒だよ。
Icon Erika.png ちょっと!別にクロスのことは悪く言ってないでしょ!
Icon Arase.png …………はは。ごめん、そうだよな。
Icon Erika.png あ~~もう!セレクト隊も来るだろうし、帰るわよ!!
Icon Arase.png そ!そうだね!一旦戻ろう!!
Icon Arase.png (クロスの同型機の工場……。