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Chapter 20/Cutscene 20-END

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Speaker Text
Icon Squidguts.png Damn... I mean...
I won't lose again!
Icon Arase.png Hahaha, no way! I'm stronger than you!
It's the same result as last time!
Icon Squidguts.png The competition results is ridiculous!
Icon Squidguts.png I should've stolen your Medabots
earlier so that I don't have to deal with you!
Icon Hisaki.png That would've been difficult to do though.
Icon Squidguts.png Shut up.
Icon Squidguts.png I've been hindering everyone so that they won't win.
I can't stand kids who just gets in our way!
Icon Ikki.png I'm also aiming to win too...
Besides that, what was the first place prize anyway?
Icon Squidguts.png Do you not know it's basically rubbish?
The prize is supposed to be something that fulfills a single wish.
Icon Arase.png That doesn't make sense;
A prize needs to be something.
Icon Squidguts.png How should I know?
Icon Arase.png Huh? Seriously?
So then what on earth are the Rubber Robos trying to steal then?
Icon Squidguts.png Nothing; just the something that grants wishes.
And you kids just keep getting in the way!
Icon Arase.png Wait up!
Damn.. He escaped.
Icon Ikki.png Yeah, but we're stuck.
...So if it's not a thing, what are they trying to steal then? Nothing?
Icon Koshimaru.png Look over there!
It's another one of those strange guys at the tournament!
Icon Arase.png Maybe he can give us more information...
Hurry up, let's catch him!
End of Cutscene
Speaker Text
Icon Squidguts.png くっ……。なんてことじゃ……。
Icon Arase.png っふふふん、やっぱりオレのほうが強かったね!
Icon Squidguts.png 大会の結果なんて、ばかばかしい……!
Icon Squidguts.png まわり道などせず、早くから奪うことにしていれば、
Icon Hisaki.png それもカンペキな作戦だったのでは……?
Icon Squidguts.png ふん、知った口をきくでない。
Icon Squidguts.png オマエたちの優勝を阻止するべく、妨害してきたのにのう。
Icon Ikki.png かなり気合入ってるけど。
Icon Squidguts.png なんじゃ、まだ理解しとらんのか。勿体無い。
Icon Arase.png いやいやいや、賞品っていうからには、
Icon Squidguts.png そんなもん、知らん!
Icon Arase.png ……はあ!?そうなの!?
Icon Squidguts.png 願いを叶えるナニカ以外の、なんでもないわい!
Icon Arase.png あっ、待て……!!!
Icon Ikki.png でもちょっと引っかかるね。
Icon Koshimaru.png まあ、アイツららしいけど!
Icon Arase.png もっと情報が聞けるかも……。