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Chapter 5/Cutscene 5-1

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Speaker Text
Icon Erika.png You must be Arase, and you must be Hisaki.
Nice to meet you!
Icon Erika.png And I'm Erika.
Icon Hisaki.png I'm looking forward to working with you, Erika!
Icon Arase.png Ikki and Erika, you two are not from around here, are you?
Icon Erika.png Yup. We just noticed things happening in this neighborhood.
Did you doubt us?
Icon Ikki.png I still can't believe it though.
Icon Hisaki.png I believe you!
I'm scared but excited too!
Icon CrossMessiah.png As someone's daughter (Hisaki) also said that
we should both believe in each other, right?
Icon Arase.png Exactly! I believe it too!
Icon Hisaki.png I know they've been active in this part of the neighbourhood...
Though what are they scheming though?
Icon Erika.png Eh? So how long have already been here for?
I heard they've been at the shrine, but not since when.
Icon Ikki.png I saw quite a lot of Rubber Robos gathering a short time ago.
... They must be doing something...
Icon Erika.png Well, now we know the cause,
make sure that they're discovered.
Icon Ikki.png We need a way to expose them though.
... I'm pretty sure they're attracted to the Medalympic's grand prize.
Icon Arase.png Grand Prize? What is it?
Icon Erika.png That's a lie! Nobody knows where the Grand Prize is held!
Icon Erika.png Rumor has spread around that the prize is
something that grants any wish.
Icon Arase.png It sounds like something from a fantasy though.
Are you sure?
Icon Erika.png With that said,
I don't know for sure.
Icon Erika.png Regardless of what prize is, I really want to know how much it's worth!
Icon Erika.png The Rubber Robos are just going to be a nusience.
You know what, let's loose on purpose...~~ Okay, only joking.
Icon Ikki.png Eh? Why are you coming along Erika?
Icon Erika.png To chase them away, but
But you guys should at least aim to win the championships!
Icon CrossMessiah.png Well, if the Rubber Robos are going to stay around,
They're probably going to be up to no good again.
Icon Erika.png I'm going to hoodwink it in there!
Anyway, win the tournament for us, alright?
Icon Erika.png Oh yeah, I forgot: Let's do this, Arase!
Icon Arase.png Eh? What?
Icon Erika.png The Medalympics Preliminary Finals.
Your first match is coming up soon.
Icon Arase.png .... Eh?!?
Our next opponent is Erika!
Icon Arase.png If that's the case, you'll need to loose on purpose.
Icon Erika.png Huh? I'll just go easy on you.
Icon Arase.png After all, I need to win.
So that you can return our neighborhoods quickly.
Icon Erika.png Wait!! Wait!!
You want me to purposefully loose?
Icon Erika.png Yeah, but you're a beginner though.
I have a lot more experience though!
Icon Erika.png Alright, whichever way you choose,
I won't loose!
Icon Arase.png But.. Wait a minute!
Icon Hisaki.png You don't have to get angry...
Icon Arase.png そ、そうだよね。
Icon Arase.png Ikki, comparing everyone,
who do you think is the weakest?
Icon Ikki.png Hmmm.. I think Erika is weaker.
I'm not very sure about that though.
Icon Ikki.png You'll definitely have troubles on the world stage,
But still fight with all your might!
Icon Ikki.png That's what I think you should do.
Icon Arase.png We both have to fight each other no matter.
Icon Ikki.png But as a Medafighter,
winner or loser - You should fight to have fun!
Icon Arase.png Passionately enjoy oneself.
Icon Arase.png ... That's it!
I'll fight to keep my place.
Icon Hisaki.png I'll cheer for you!
Icon Arase.png Thanks!
But I hope that I can have some confidence in myself.
Icon Ikki.png Mmm!
Whew, at least it's a short learning battle.
Icon Arase.png Eeh!?
Icon Ikki.png At least this way me and
Arase will be able to Robattle each other.
Icon Ikki.png I watched your battle,
we're going to go on our adventure now.
Icon Arase.png Thank you Ikki!
Let's do this! Good luck!
Icon Ikki.png Yes! Erika, I'm going to have to give you my crash course.
End of Cutscene
Speaker Text
Icon Erika.png あんたがアラセで、そっちがヒサキね。
Icon Erika.png あたしのことはアリカでいいわよ。
Icon Hisaki.png よろしくお願いします、アリカちゃん!
Icon Arase.png イッキもアリカも、この街の人じゃないの!?
Icon Erika.png そ。ある日、気づいたらこの街にいたの。
Icon Ikki.png 自分でも、まだ信じられないもんなあ……。
Icon Hisaki.png わたしは、信じますね!
Icon CrossMessiah.png お嬢様がそうおっしゃるのであれば、
Icon Arase.png そういうことなら、オレも信じるよ!
Icon Hisaki.png でも、気づいたら知らない街にいるなんて、
Icon Erika.png さあ? そもそも、ここがどのくらい
Icon Ikki.png さっきのロボロボ団も、多分同じ状況だよ。
Icon Erika.png んもう! 原因さえわかれば、
Icon Ikki.png もしかしたらって方法なら、あるんだけどね。
Icon Arase.png っ優勝すると、何かあるの!?
Icon Erika.png ウソでしょ!?賞品のこと、しらないで出場してたの?
Icon Erika.png 噂では、今回の大会で優勝すれば、
Icon Arase.png 思ってたより、ファンタジーだった……。
Icon Erika.png まあ、噂だし。なんでもっていうのが、
Icon Erika.png 賞品にかかわらず、あたしの目標は優勝一筋だしね!
Icon Erika.png ロボロボ団なんかに、邪魔させないわ!{r}わざと負けろ~なんて冗談じゃない!
Icon Ikki.png え? アリカのところにも来たの?
Icon Erika.png 追い払ったけどね。
Icon CrossMessiah.png では、ロボロボ団は大会中ずっと
Icon Erika.png 返り討ちにしてやるわ!
Icon Erika.png というわけで、よろしくね! アラセ!
Icon Arase.png え? な、なにを?
Icon Erika.png メダリンピック本選。
Icon Arase.png ……ええええっ!?
Icon Arase.png あ……それなら、オレ、負けたほうがいいかな?
Icon Erika.png はぁ? 手加減するってこと!?
Icon Arase.png だって、オレが勝ったらさ。
Icon Erika.png ちょっとちょっと!!
Icon Erika.png 見てたけど、あんた初心者でしょ?
Icon Erika.png どっちにしろ、そんな気持ちの相手に
Icon Arase.png あっ! ちょっと待っ――
Icon Hisaki.png 怒って行っちゃいましたね……。
Icon Arase.png そ、そうだよね。
Icon Arase.png イッキとか、みんなと比べて
Icon Ikki.png うーん……アリカが怒ったのは、
Icon Ikki.png せっかくの大会なんだから、
Icon Ikki.png って、言いたかったんだよ。
Icon Arase.png でも、ふたりは事情があるのに……。
Icon Ikki.png うん。でもメダロッターなら、
Icon Arase.png 熱く、楽しむ。
Icon Arase.png ……そうだね!
Icon Hisaki.png お、応援します!
Icon Arase.png ありがとう!
Icon Ikki.png うん!
Icon Arase.png え!?
Icon Ikki.png 同じメダリンピック出場者だから、
Icon Ikki.png アラセがロボトルしてるのを見て、
Icon Arase.png ありがとうイッキ……!
Icon Ikki.png よし! 打倒アリカで、試合まで特訓だ!!
End of Cutscene