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#85 Samurai (サムライ) is a Medabot with the model number SAM00.

A samurai-shaped Medabots wearing crimson armor like a fiery fire.

Fight with a fighting spirit in the Japanese sword-shaped beam sword of both hands.

There is no enemy to stand in front of the dual wield sword technique.



Fierce Battle

Medapart Stats


Stat Level 1 Level 90
Samurai Blast (サムライブラスト)
装甲 (Armor) 290 2949
成功 (Success) 0 0
威力 (Power) 0 0
充填 (Heating) 300 621
冷却 (Cooldown) 281 596
回数 (Ammo) 1 1
HV 1
Drains the head's health in exchange for Medaforce Charge.
Rank 1 Max. Armor Reduction: 90%
Rank 2 Max. Armor Reduction: 80%
Rank 3 Max. Armor Reduction: 70%
Rank 4 Max. Armor Reduction: 60%
Rank 5 Max. Armor Reduction: 50%
Ability Name Full Charge (フルチャージ)
Type SpecialIcon.png Special

Left Arm

Stat Level 1 Level 90
Samurai Saber (サムライセイバー)
装甲 (Armor) 300 2999
成功 (Success) 164 594
威力 (Power) 494 1364
充填 (Heating) 174 453
冷却 (Cooldown) 135 401
HV 0
Deals bonus damage based on Medacharge Gauge. Cannot defend during cooldown.
Rank 1 x2 Bonus damage at 70% Medacharge
Rank 2 x2 Bonus damage at 60% Medacharge
Rank 3 x2 Bonus damage at 50% Medacharge
Rank 4 x2 Bonus damage at 40% Medacharge
Rank 5 x2 Bonus damage at 30% Medaforce Charge, x3 at 100% Medaforce Charge
Ability Name Beam Sword (ビームソード)
Type MeleeIcon.png Melee

Right Arm

Stat Level 1 Level 90
Beam Saber (ビームセイバー)
装甲 (Armor) 300 2999
成功 (Success) 203 687
威力 (Power) 436 1231
充填 (Heating) 194 480
冷却 (Cooldown) 135 401
HV 0
Deals bonus damage based on Medacharge Gauge. Cannot defend during cooldown.
Rank 1 x2 Bonus damage at 70% Medacharge
Rank 2 x2 Bonus damage at 60% Medacharge
Rank 3 x2 Bonus damage at 50% Medacharge
Rank 4 x2 Bonus damage at 40% Medacharge
Rank 5 x2 Bonus damage at 30% Medaforce Charge, x3 at 100% Medaforce Charge
Ability Name Beam Sword (ビームソード)
Type MeleeIcon.png Melee


Stat Level 1 Level 90
Commander (ムシャブショー)
HVリミット (HV Limit) 1
装甲 (Armor) 430 3649
回避 (Anti-melee) 501 1201
格耐 (Status-proof) 287 702
射耐 (Anti-ranged) 316 770
尭冷 (Base Speed) 243 545
Grants bonus Medaforce Charge upon getting damaged.
Rank 1 Charges 10% on Damage
Rank 2 Charges 15% on Damage
Rank 3 Charges 20% on Damage
Rank 4 Charges 25% on Damage
Rank 5 Charges 30% on Damage
Ability Name Endurance (エンデュランス)
Type BipedIcon.png Biped

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