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Season 2/Chapter 2/Cutscene 2-1

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Speaker Text
Icon Hisaki.png *crunch* *crunch*
Icon Hisaki.png Arase, your Croquettes,
are really delicious!
Icon Arase.png .......
Icon Hisaki.png Hey Arase,
is there something wrong?
Icon Arase.png What? Ah, Croquette!
I can't believe you're addicted to my Croquettes...
Icon CrossMessiah.png It's going to be alright.
Were you thinking about the incident the other day?
Icon Hisaki.png The other day's incident?
Did someone steal a Rare Medal?
Icon Arase.png Yup, that's what happened.
Actually, on that same day also, I incidentally were at the Medabots Institute.
Icon Arase.png Stolen rare medal....
And I only just became friends with Kuu.
Icon Arase.png I heard it was stolen by someone bad,
and after all, I'm just worried.
Icon Hisaki.png I see.
It's only natural that you'd worry about a friend.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Yeah, but we can't really
do anything about it.
Icon CrossMessiah.png I know you think there's something evil going on, but I think you
should do something about it...
Icon Arase.png Urgh... I know you've accepted me as master,
but that still feels kinda wrong...
Icon Hisaki.png Heheh, also, speaking of bad things:
You didn't see the Rubber Robo Gang, right?
Icon Arase.png Eh? That reminds me:
I need to figure out what the Rubber Robos are up to.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Since the Medalympics,
we rarely see them around the city anymore.
Icon Hisaki.png Yeah, and as for the whereabouts of my uncle...
Well, I'm sure you know...
Icon Arase.png Well, they are usually
around to cause trouble...
Icon RubberRobo.png Roborobo Aytimothy (talk)!
Icon Arase.png ――Well, if you make a rumor, ... Wait what?!? The Rubber Robo Gang!
Icon Hisaki.png I'm coming!
Icon RubberRobo.png ~roboroborobo Did you call us?
Perhaps ~robo knows me?
Icon Arase.png I know about the Rubber Robo Gang,
but just who are you?
Icon RubberRobo.png Me? Heheh...
I guessed correctly...
Young Girl Hah!
I've finally caught up to you!
Icon RubberRobo.png Si, boss~~!! Help ~robo~~!
~robo's being chased by a weird girl.
Icon Arase.png Haha! Why are they cowering together?
Wait... I'm boss?
Young Girl Boss?!? Are you working with them?!?
Icon Arase.png Wait.. What?!?
No! I'm Arase.
Icon RubberRobo.png Yes, Arase, my boss!
Aren't ~robo gonna take care of his juniors?
Young Girl You won't fool me by taking off your rubber suit!
I'll catch you first!
Icon Arase.png Huh?!! Hey! Stop it!
Speaker Text
Icon Hisaki.png もぐもぐ、もぐもぐ……ふう。  
Icon Hisaki.png アラセさんに教えてもらったこのコロッケ、
Icon Arase.png ……………………。
Icon Hisaki.png アラセさん?
Icon Arase.png へ? あ、ああ、コロッケね!
Icon CrossMessiah.png ……あからさまに上の空ですね、アラセ様。
Icon Hisaki.png 先日の事件?
Icon Arase.png うん……その事件なんだけど、
Icon Arase.png 盗まれたレアメダル……。
Icon Arase.png それが、入れ違いに誰かに盗まれたって聞いたから、
Icon Hisaki.png なるほど。
Icon CrossMessiah.png ええ……ですが、いまのワタクシたちにできることは
Icon CrossMessiah.png 確かに悪事に思うところはありますが……マスターには、
Icon Arase.png うぐ……。マスターとして認めてくれたと思ったら
Icon Hisaki.png ふふふ。……そうだ、悪事と言えば、今日はお店に
Icon Arase.png えっ? ああ、そう言えば……。
Icon CrossMessiah.png メダリンピックの騒動以降、
Icon Hisaki.png ええ。彼らなら、いなくなったおじさまの行方を
Icon Arase.png アイツら、普段どこにいるんだろうね。
Icon RubberRobo.png ロボロボ~~~!
Icon Arase.png ――って、ウワサをすればロボロボ団!?
Icon Hisaki.png こっちに向かって来ます!
Icon RubberRobo.png ロボっ! いま誰か呼んだロボ!?
Icon Arase.png いや、ロボロボ団は知ってるけど、
Icon RubberRobo.png ロボ? ふっふっふ。
少年 はあ、はあ……っ!
Icon RubberRobo.png 「せ、先輩~~!! 助けてロボ~~!
Icon Arase.png は、はあ!? なんでくっつくんだよ!
少年 先輩!? お前もそいつらの仲間か!
Icon Arase.png えっ!? ち、違うよ!
Icon RubberRobo.png そう、ロボロボ団の大幹部アラセ様ロボ~!
少年 タイツを脱いだくらいじゃ、ごまかされないぞ!
Icon Arase.png ご、誤解だってばー!