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Season 2/Chapter 2/Cutscene 2-2

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Speaker Text
Young Girl Wait... You're not part of the Rubber Robos?
I'm sorry... I jumped to conclusions again...
Icon Arase.png Ha ha ha, it's alright. Everything's fine now, right?
Icon CrossMessiah.png But while Robattling,
we previously escaped the Rubber Robos before.
Icon Hisaki.png By the way, why were you chasing the Rubber Robo Gang?
Are you...
Icon Soruto.png I'm Soruto.
I'm a Medabot Detective from the Laurel Detective Agency.
Icon Arase.png Detective!??
Wow! That's not so much different from me! Awesome!
Icon CrossMessiah.png I agree.
Exactly, especially when we catch a thief.
Icon Soruto.png Ahh, thanks...
But I'm only still a newbie.
Icon Soruto.png I'm currently investigating another incident
that was the work of the Rubber Robo Gang.
Icon Arase.png Mannn... Again? They never stop...
Icon Soruto.png You guys seem to know a lot about the Rubber Robo Gang.
Icon Arase.png Yup. We fought them awhile ago.
We were also just discussing about the Rubber Robo Gang.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Arase, we should do something about them. They're up to no good again!
Icon Arase.png Oh, right. I don't think I've introduced myself yet.
I'm Arase Oosumi, and this is my partner Cross.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Nice to meet you, Soruto.
Icon Hisaki.png My name is Hisaki Teruya.
What kind case are you investigating right now?
Icon Soruto.png An attack at the Medabot Research Institute.
Do you know anything about it?
Icon Hisaki.png Wait, what?!?
Icon Arase.png Yes! Alright, alright.
Kuu was targeted by the Rubber Robo Gang.
Icon Arase.png Do you know anything else about it?
Please tell me!
Icon Soruto.png That sounds plausible, but we still don't know.
Icon Soruto.png Alright.
It's a little long, but let me explain.
Icon Soruto.png As I said, I heard that a Rare Medal was taken.
After that, while I was listening around in the city--
Icon Soruto.png Uhhh... Actually, excuse me,
can I ask you something?
Icon OldLady.png What the hell, who are you?
Don't just call me out like that.
Icon Soruto.png I'm sorry to bother you, I have something to ask.
I'm not evil or suspicious or anything like that.
Icon Soruto.png I'm Soruto, just by the way.
I'm still only a Junior Medabot Detective.
Icon OldLady.png Well, what is the detective doing for me?
Icon Soruto.png Have you seen any suspicious persons coming out from the Medabot Research Institute?
Icon OldLady.png I don't think I've seen anyone else other than me.
Icon Soruto.png I see. Thanks for the help.
Icon Soruto.png We'd be happy to entrust the investigation but,
we still want to take a look around anyway.
Icon Soruto.png The Medabot Research Institute have asked the Select Corps to
recover the stolen Rare Medal and apprehending those behind the robbery.
Icon Soruto.png But my captain, Lorel is busy.
So it's only me and Anise on the case.
Icon Soruto.png But I can't use that as an excuse!
I have to meet Lorel's expectations somehow.
Icon Soruto.png Alright!
I'm a Medabot Detective, I need to gather more information!
Speaker Text
少年 本当にロボロボ団じゃなかったのか……。
ご、ごめん!! オレってば、早とちりしちゃって……。
Icon Arase.png ははは……だ、だいじょうぶ。気にしないで。
Icon CrossMessiah.png しかし、ロボトルをしている間に
Icon Hisaki.png そう言えば、どうしてロボロボ団を追っていたのですか?
Icon Soruto.png オレはソルト。
Icon Arase.png 探偵!? 
Icon CrossMessiah.png そうですね。
Icon Soruto.png あ、あはは……ありがとう。
Icon Soruto.png ……オレはいま、とある事件について調べてるんだけど、
Icon Arase.png また悪さしてるんだね……アイツらも懲りないなあ。
Icon Soruto.png 君たちは、ロボロボ団について色々と知ってるみたいだね。
Icon Arase.png うん。ちょっと前に、戦ったことがあって。
Icon CrossMessiah.png アラセ様。そろそろ我々も、名乗った方がよろしいかと。
Icon Arase.png そっか、自己紹介がまだだった。
Icon CrossMessiah.png よろしくお願いいたします、ソルト様。
Icon Hisaki.png わたしは輝夜ヒサキと申します。
Icon Soruto.png メダロット研究所が襲われた事件だよ。
Icon Hisaki.png え、ええっ!?
Icon Arase.png じゃ、じゃあ……!
Icon Arase.png ちょ、ちょっとその話、詳しく聞かせてくれない!?
Icon Soruto.png ……どうやら、何か事情を知ってるみたいだね。
Icon Soruto.png ……わかった。
Icon Soruto.png さっきも言った通り、オレはレアメダル盗難事件を
Icon Soruto.png ……あの~、すみません。
Icon OldLady.png なんだい、アンタ。
Icon Soruto.png 突然ごめんなさい、ちょっとお尋ねしたいことがあるんです。
Icon Soruto.png オレ、ソルトって言います。
Icon OldLady.png はあ、探偵さんがアタシになんの用だい。
Icon Soruto.png いま、メダロット研究所で起きた事件について調べてて……。
Icon OldLady.png さあ、知らないね。他を当たんな。
Icon Soruto.png そうですか、ありがとうございます……。
Icon Soruto.png ようやく事件の調査を任せてもらえたのは
Icon Soruto.png セレクト隊から依頼されたのは、メダロット研究所から
Icon Soruto.png でも、所長のローレル先生も、先輩のセージも、
Icon Soruto.png ……でも、新米だからって、それを言い訳にはできない。
Icon Soruto.png よーし!