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Season 2/Chapter 7/Cutscene 7-1

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Speaker Text
Icon RubberRobo.png Report, report Robo!
The example experiment was completed successfully in the second time, Robo!
Icon RubberRobo.png …… But what a coincidence, suddenly the stray Medabots
It started rampaging ... Ah, I was surprised at Robo.
Mysterious Woman Hey by chance ... well, if it works, it's fine.
You guys do your job.
Mysterious Woman Continue the "startup experiment" by the final stage of the plan
I'll finish the adjustment.
Mysterious Woman At the time of the first experiment, he said that there was a sideways movement.
Well, it seems that things are going well.
Icon RubberRobo.png Oh, then this time too, Robo with sideways!
Mysterious Woman What?
Icon RubberRobo.png Robo that seems to have been bald at this experiment place.
Icon RubberRobo.png Because the map was stolen at the first experimental site
Robo that seems to have been bald at this experimental site!
Icon RubberRobo.png By the way, I would like to report again this time.
Robo is likely to be robbed of the map of the next experimental site!
Icon RubberRobo.png Because the other party was ridiculously strong
Robo who escaped alone! I was scared of Robo ...
Mysterious Woman …… Nah, huh!
What are you doing, stupid! !! !!
Icon RubberRobo.png Roboooooo!
These guys are ridiculously strong robots!
Icon Arase.png Was it so strong?
Icon Hisaki.png Arase is growing up!
Icon Arase.png Don't be shy when Hisaki tells you.
Icon RubberRobo.png Oh, my robot ...! This part is a robot that will never be handed over!
Ella ~~ It's an important thing I got from a nice person Robo!
Icon Soruto.png Is it a part here too ...!
After all, that part holds some secret!
Icon RubberRobo.png Giku ... Robo has gone.
Mysterious Woman wait. I'll get the parts.
Icon Arase.png e?
Icon Anise.png Oh, you ...
A woman disguised as Salt!
Mysterious Woman Oh, you remembered me.
Icon Hisaki.png Wow, cute ears!
Do you like cat cosplay?
Mysterious Woman …… Well, that's not true.
You can often say that in this situation, right?
Icon Soruto.png Earlier, I met a man named Trinidad.
...... Are you the same as him, a collaborator of Kaito Jill?
Mysterious Woman ...... I don't need to hide it anymore.
Icon Pashira.png I'm Pasila.
Phantom thief Jill's business partner.
Icon Arase.png If so, tell Jill the Phantom Thief!
That rare medal is important, so leave it alone!
Icon Pashira.png idiot. It's important, so it's not worth taking away.
Now, give me the parts as soon as possible.
Icon Soruto.png I can't give up so easily.
Icon Pashira.png Do you think you can beat me?
I'm not like Trinidad.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Certainly ... I feel that it is not straightforward.
Arase, please tighten your mind!
Speaker Text
Icon RubberRobo.png 報告、報告しますロボ!
Icon RubberRobo.png ……ただ、どういう偶然か、急に野良メダロットが
謎の女 偶然ねえ……まあ、上手くいったなら結構結構。
謎の女 『起動実験』を続けて、計画の最終段階までに
謎の女 最初の実験のときは横やりが入ったとか言ってたが。
Icon RubberRobo.png あ、それならば今回も横やりが入っているロボ!
謎の女 は?
Icon RubberRobo.png 今回の実験場所もバレちゃってたみたいロボ~。
Icon RubberRobo.png 最初の実験場で地図を奪われたせいで
Icon RubberRobo.png ついでにご報告しておくと、今回もまた
Icon RubberRobo.png 相手がとんでもなく強かったので
謎の女 ……な、な、な!
Icon RubberRobo.png ロボォォォォォ!
Icon Arase.png そ、そんなに強かったかな?
Icon Hisaki.png アラセさんはグングン成長してますよ!
Icon Arase.png ヒサキちゃんに言われると照れちゃうな。
Icon RubberRobo.png お、おのれロボ……! このパーツは、絶対に渡さないロボ! 
Icon Soruto.png ここでもパーツか……!
Icon RubberRobo.png ぎくっ……しまったロボ。
謎の女 待って。そのパーツは私がもらうわ。
Icon Arase.png え?
Icon Anise.png あ、あなたは……
謎の女 あら、覚えていてくれたの。
Icon Hisaki.png わあ、可愛らしいお耳!
謎の女 ……あのね、そんなわけないでしょ。
Icon Soruto.png さっき、トリニダードって男に会った。
謎の女 ……今更隠す必要もないわね。
Icon Pashira.png 私はパシーラ。
Icon Arase.png だ、だったら、怪盗ジルに伝えてよ!
Icon Pashira.png バカね。大事だから奪う価値があるんじゃない。
Icon Soruto.png そう簡単には譲れないな。
Icon Pashira.png 私に勝てると思ってるの?
Icon CrossMessiah.png 確かに……一筋縄ではいかない感じがしますね。

Page generated by script. English may be scruffy as this is reliant on automatic translation. Manual English translations to come.