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Season 3/Chapter 2/Cutscene 2-END

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Speaker Text
Icon RubberRobo.png Gugugu …….
I lost the game, but Robo escapes to this ski!
Icon Kasuma.png It's a great escape ...
Is it okay to leave it alone?
Icon Arase.png That's because I sometimes do bad things.
It might be better to let the guards know.
Icon Kasuma.png Then just right.
You can talk about the Robo Robo team with the people you will meet.
Icon Hisaki.png ……?
Was it the guard who called Kasumi and his friends?
Icon Hiyouri.png Security guard Hey ... Pup, ahahaha!
Icon Hiyouri.png ...... Well, it's faster to see it directly when you come here.
You see, you just came, right?
Icon Kasuma.png ...... Oh, really!
Hey, Sidden!
Icon Shiten.png Hi, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting!
I got caught by an acquaintance on the way.
Icon Shiten.png Anyway, Hiyori-kun to Kasumi.
He came often ... huh? Do you have a companion?
Icon Niwaka.png Did you notice ...!
It's been a long time, don't forget my face--!
Icon Hiyouri.png Ah, yes yes.
I'm not you. Please withdraw.
Icon Niwaka.png Terrible!
Icon Kasuma.png Well, I'm messing around there
Niwaka-kun just met by chance ...
Icon Kasuma.png 紹介するよ。アラセとクロス、それにヒサキ。
Icon Shiten.png Well, I wouldn't let Kasumi say that much.
Nice to meet you. Call me Sidden.
Icon Arase.png Nice to meet you. Siden ... Siden?
Icon Arase.png ...... Hey, cross,
Sidden is ...?
Icon CrossMessiah.png Hosting this exposition,
It's the same name as the president of RR.
Icon Arase.png Oh, that's right!
Ah, I was surprised for a moment.
Icon Arase.png I wondered if there was a president in front of me,
That's not the case. No matter how young you are ...
Icon Shiten.png フフ、そこのメダロットくんが正しいよ。
Icon Arase.png Ehhhhhh! !!
Icon Arase.png It's a great person ... It's a great person, cross!
Even though the age is not so different from me, the president is ...!
Icon Shiten.png Haha, that's not the case, I can't do anything alone.
I'm always helped by my friends.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Being aware of that,
I think it's quite difficult.
Icon Shiten.png Huff, what made me realize that
Thanks to the friends there.
Icon Shiten.png Anyway, Kasumi's friends are also my friends.
Welcome, Arase-kun. Hisaki-kun.
Icon Shiten.png Even if it's the president of RR.
I know information about the players who played an active part in the medallin pick.
Icon Shiten.png Rather than that, he came all the way.
Please enjoy this exposition.
Icon Hisaki.png Yeah, thank you!
Perhaps this exposition was the idea of ​​Mr. Siden?
Icon Shiten.png Ah. As is often said in recent news,
The global environment is only getting worse.
Icon Shiten.png In the not-so-distant future
Living things may not be able to live on the earth.
Icon Shiten.png That is why, in order to find a place where humankind can live other than the earth,
Various technologies are required.
Icon Shiten.png Other companies also agree with my idea.
He is cooperating with this exposition to appeal to the inside and outside.
Icon Arase.png ...... It's a big story.
Icon Arase.png Something like me
I just remembered the day of recyclable waste.
Icon Hiyouri.png ...... It's a small story.
Icon Arase.png Ah, aha ... I'm sorry, at the special exposition,
You may have said something strange.
Icon Shiten.png Huh, that's fine.
But you're pretty interesting.
Icon Shiten.png If you don't mind, could you tell me more?
Speaker Text
Icon RubberRobo.png ぐぐぐ……。
Icon Kasuma.png すごい逃げ足だなあ……。
Icon Arase.png あんなだけど、悪いことをすることもあるからなぁ。
Icon Kasuma.png ならちょうどいいや。
Icon Hisaki.png ……? 
Icon Hiyouri.png 警備員ねえ……ぷっ、あはははは! 
Icon Hiyouri.png ……ま、ここまで来たら直接見た方が早いわ。
Icon Kasuma.png ……あっ、ほんとだ! 
Icon Shiten.png やあ、待たせてすまない!
Icon Shiten.png ともあれ、カスミにヒヨリくん。
Icon Niwaka.png フ、やはり気づきましたか……!
Icon Hiyouri.png あー、はいはい。
Icon Niwaka.png ひどい!
Icon Kasuma.png えーっと、そこでいじけてる
Icon Kasuma.png 紹介するよ。アラセとクロス、それにヒサキ。
Icon Shiten.png ほう、カスミにそこまで言わせるとはね。
Icon Arase.png よ、よろしく。シデン……シデン?
Icon Arase.png ……ねえ、クロス、
Icon CrossMessiah.png この博覧会を主催している、
Icon Arase.png ああ、やっぱりそうか! 
Icon Arase.png 目の前に社長さんがいるのかと思ったけど、
Icon Shiten.png フフ、そこのメダロットくんが正しいよ。
Icon Arase.png えええーーーー!!
Icon Arase.png す、すごい人だ……すごい人だよ、クロス!
Icon Shiten.png ハハ、そんなことはない、ボクひとりではなにもできないさ。
Icon CrossMessiah.png そう自覚できること自体、
Icon Shiten.png フフ、そう気づかせてくれたのは、
Icon Shiten.png とにかく、カスミの友人なら自分の友人でもある。
Icon Shiten.png 仮にもRR社の社長だからね。
Icon Shiten.png それよりも、せっかく来てくれたんだ。
Icon Hisaki.png ええ、ありがとうございます!
Icon Shiten.png ああ。最近のニュースでもよく言われているが、
Icon Shiten.png このままでは遠くない未来に、
Icon Shiten.png だからこそ、地球以外に人類が暮らせる場所を探すために、
Icon Shiten.png 他の企業もボクの考えに賛同してくれてね。
Icon Arase.png ……スケールの大きい話だなあ。
Icon Arase.png オレなんか、
Icon Hiyouri.png ……スケールの小さい話ねえ。
Icon Arase.png あ、あはは……ごめん、せっかくの博覧会で、
Icon Shiten.png フッ、いいんだ。
Icon Shiten.png よければ、もっと話を聞かせてくれるかな――?

Page generated by script. English may be scruffy as this is reliant on automatic translation. Manual English translations to come.