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Season 3/Chapter 4/Robattle 4-2

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Speaker Text
Icon Hiyouri.png Well, I lost again ...
Icon Kasuma.png It seems that Arase and the others were stronger.
Do we still have more?
Icon Arase.png But Kasumi and the others, than when they fought last time
I was surprised that Danzen became stronger.
Icon Hisaki.png Yeah, really!
I was sweating in my hands!
Icon Arase.png Hmm ... I'm already sick after a fierce battle.
Icon Shiten.png Oops, I'm sorry, but I can't take a day off yet?
Robin is still in the future.
Icon Arase.png Yeah! ?? Are you still fighting?
Icon Shiten.png Oh, of course.
Kasumi isn't the only one who wants to revenge.
Icon Shiten.png There aren't many people as strong as you.
I would like to take this opportunity to collect Robin's data.
Icon Arase.png Actually, it's such a strong person ...
If that's the case, let's do our best, cross!
Icon CrossMessiah.png It's as simple as ever.
It's been put on nicely, Master.
Icon CrossMessiah.png …… But as long as you buy your ability
You have to cooperate firmly.
Icon Shiten.png Haha, I'll be saved.
I have to come.
Icon Arase.png Well then, let's get started!
Don't hesitate, Sidden!
Icon Shiten.png Huh, of course. For valid data
Let's do it seriously!
Speaker Text
Icon Hiyouri.png ま、また負けちゃったわ……。
Icon Kasuma.png アラセたちのほうが強くなってたみたいだね。
Icon Arase.png でもカスミたち、前戦ったときよりも
Icon Hisaki.png ええ、本当に!
Icon Arase.png ふう……激戦続きでオレもうヘトヘトだよ。
Icon Shiten.png おっと、悪いがまだ休みはやれないよ?
Icon Arase.png ええっ!?まだ戦うの?
Icon Shiten.png ああ、もちろんだよ。
Icon Shiten.png キミたちくらいの実力者はなかなかいないからね。
Icon Arase.png じ、実力者だなんてそんな……。
Icon CrossMessiah.png 相変わらず単純というか、なんというか。
Icon CrossMessiah.png ……とは言え、実力を買ってもらった以上は
Icon Shiten.png ははは、助かるよ。
Icon Arase.png それじゃあ、はじめよう!
Icon Shiten.png フッ、もちろんさ。有効なデータのためにも、

Page generated by script. English may be scruffy as this is reliant on automatic translation. Manual English translations to come.