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Super Battle: Shiden/Cutscene 2

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Speaker Text
Unknown Medabot Did you beat them all ...
It's surprising.
Icon Arase.png A little! What's going on this time! ??
I'm glad I won, but it's such a sly!
Icon CrossMessiah.png I agree with you.
I would like you to fight for yourself in a fair and open manner.
Cheerful Masked Medafighter Z No, no, I'm sorry. That white Medabots,
It seems that he brought his friends without permission ...
Icon Arase.png ……Friend?
Certainly, the movements were the same.
Icon Arase.png Whether it's a friend or a herd of animals ...
Icon CrossMessiah.png Yes, I felt that it was more like training than just a companion.
Is it also an organizational connection?
Icon CrossMessiah.png A large organization like the Select Corps.
Or it could be somebody's private unit.
???? Oh, you know.
Icon Arase.png Who! ??
Icon Shiten.png Hi, both of us.
Icon Arase.png Shiden!
Icon CrossMessiah.png Mr. Siden, the young president of RR.
I see, I'm convinced.
Icon CrossMessiah.png The movement of those Medabots is
Was it because you were trained at RR?
Cheerful Masked Medafighter Z Sidden-kun, I'm glad you came,
I want you to keep an eye on Medabots ...
Icon Shiten.png Yeah. I have to apologize first.
It seems that my partner was rude.
Icon Arase.png Ah! This is Medabots that was exhibited at the RR Expo!
That made me familiar ...!
Icon Shiten.png Ah. Let me introduce you.
Icon Shiten.png This is White Glen, our Medabots from RR.
Icon Shiten.png Medabots in outer space
The latest model developed for command and protection.
White Glen ……….
Icon Arase.png Hmm, it looks like something!
Icon Shiten.png In fact, the performance itself is pretty good.
This time, I nominated my partner as an operation test.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Did you mean that?
But why did you come here before Mr. Siden?
Icon Shiten.png Perhaps you are the right opponent to fight,
I think I wanted to find out in advance.
Icon Shiten.png ……right?
White Glen.
White Glen Huh. That's right.
Strangely, the result was not what I expected.
Icon Shiten.png Hmm ... Well, as you can see.
As I said earlier, the performance itself is perfect ...
Icon Shiten.png 社長であるボクのパートナーという立場ゆえか、
Icon Shiten.png Anyway, this time I caused a lot of trouble because of me.
I'm sorry, Arase-kun. cross.
White Glen ...... Why does Alpha need to apologize?
I don't think this opponent is such a strong enemy.
Icon Arase.png alpha?
Is it Sidden?
Icon CrossMessiah.png Yeah, probably.
Icon CrossMessiah.png In the wolf herd, the leader is Alpha,
The 2nd place is called Beta and the bottom is called Omega.
Icon CrossMessiah.png At first glance, the wolf seems to be the motif,
It must have been influenced by that.
Icon Arase.png Hmm, I knew it for the first time.
Certainly, Sidden is the leader of a group called RR!
White Glen そういうことだ。
Icon Arase.png Isn't it the bottom below Omega!
And this is the one who won the previous robin?
Icon Shiten.png Fufufu. Whether he really is below Omega
Isn't it the only way you can fight and make sure?
White Glen …….
If Alpha says so ...
Icon Shiten.png Alright.
Then can I ask you to make arrangements again?
Icon Arase.png Of course!
I'll show you that it's not less than Omega!
Icon Arase.png Nah, cross!
Icon CrossMessiah.png I would like to hear the evaluation again after seeing our cooperation.
Let's do it. Master!
Speaker Text
謎のメダロット 全て倒したか……。
Icon Arase.png ちょっと!今回どうなってるんだよっ!?
Icon CrossMessiah.png 同感ですね。
快人Z仮面 い、いやー、ごめんね。あの白いメダロット、
Icon Arase.png ……仲間?
Icon Arase.png 仲間っていうか、動物の群れみたいっていうか……。
Icon CrossMessiah.png ええ、ただの仲間というより訓練したような動きも感じました。
Icon CrossMessiah.png セレクト隊のような大規模な組織。
???? ああ、ご明察だよ。
Icon Arase.png だ、だれ!?
Icon Shiten.png やぁ、ふたりとも。
Icon Arase.png シデン!
Icon CrossMessiah.png RR社の若社長、シデン様……。
Icon CrossMessiah.png あのメダロットたちの動きは、
快人Z仮面 シデンくん、来てくれるのは嬉しいけど、
Icon Shiten.png そうだね。まず謝らなければいけないな。
Icon Arase.png あ!RR社の博覧会で展示されていたメダロットだ!
Icon Shiten.png ああ。紹介しよう。
Icon Shiten.png わがRR社のメダロット、ホワイトグレンだ。
Icon Shiten.png 宇宙空間におけるメダロットの
ホワイトグレン ………。
Icon Arase.png へー、なんだかすごそう!
Icon Shiten.png 実際、性能自体はかなりのものだよ。
Icon CrossMessiah.png そういうことでしたか。
Icon Shiten.png おそらく、キミたちが戦うにふさわしい相手かどうか、
Icon Shiten.png ……だろう?
ホワイトグレン ハッ。その通りです。
Icon Shiten.png ふう……。ま、見てのとおりだ。
Icon Shiten.png 社長であるボクのパートナーという立場ゆえか、
Icon Shiten.png とにかく、今回はボクのせいでとんだ迷惑をかけたね。
ホワイトグレン ……なぜアルファが謝る必要があるのです?
Icon Arase.png アルファ?
Icon CrossMessiah.png ええ、おそらくそうでしょう。
Icon CrossMessiah.png 狼の群れでは、リーダーをアルファ、
Icon CrossMessiah.png 見たところ狼がモチーフのようですし、
Icon Arase.png へー、初めて知ったよ。
ホワイトグレン そういうことだ。
Icon Arase.png オメガ以下って一番下じゃないか!
Icon Shiten.png フフフ。彼が本当にオメガ以下かどうか、
ホワイトグレン ……。
Icon Shiten.png よし。
Icon Arase.png もちろんだよ!
Icon Arase.png な、クロス!
Icon CrossMessiah.png 我々の連携を見てからもう一度評価を聞きたいものです。

Page generated by script. English may be scruffy as this is reliant on automatic translation. Manual English translations to come.