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#261 Raystar (アラゴスター) is a Medabot with the model number RAY04.

State-of-the-art crayfish type Medabots.

With a parts configuration that inherits the characteristics of the past, the beam is continuously irradiated from the high-speed movement by the leg rollers.


Fierce Battle

Medapart Stats


Stat Level 1 Level 90
Crisis Beam (クライシスビーム)
装甲 (Armor) 290 2949
成功 (Success) 368 1072
威力 (Power) 397 1140
充填 (Heating) 368 712
冷却 (Cooldown) 271 583
回数 (Ammo) 4 4
HV 0
Deals Optical Damage. Does 2x damage if above a certain Medacharge amount. Cannot evade during cooldown.
Rank 1 x2 Damage Requires 70% charge
Rank 2 x2 Damage Requires 60% charge
Rank 3 x2 Damage Requires 50% charge
Rank 4 x2 Damage Requires 40% charge
Rank 5 x2 Damage Requires 30% charge, x3 at 100%
Ability Name Beam (ビーム)
Type RangeIcon.png Shooting

Left Arm

Stat Level 1 Level 90
Storm Beam (ストームビーム)
装甲 (Armor) 240 2699
成功 (Success) 261 820
威力 (Power) 417 1184
充填 (Heating) 368 712
冷却 (Cooldown) 252 557
HV 0
Deals Optical Damage. Does 2x damage if above a certain Medacharge amount. Cannot evade during cooldown.
Rank 1 x2 Damage Requires 70% charge
Rank 2 x2 Damage Requires 60% charge
Rank 3 x2 Damage Requires 50% charge
Rank 4 x2 Damage Requires 40% charge
Rank 5 x2 Damage Requires 30% charge, x3 at 100%
Ability Name Beam (ビーム)
Type RangeIcon.png Shooting

Right Arm

Stat Level 1 Level 90
Force Beam (フォースビーム)
装甲 (Armor) 240 2699
成功 (Success) 320 960
威力 (Power) 388 1119
充填 (Heating) 426 789
冷却 (Cooldown) 281 596
HV 0
Deals Optical Damage. Does 2x damage if above a certain Medacharge amount. Cannot evade during cooldown.
Rank 1 x2 Damage Requires 70% charge
Rank 2 x2 Damage Requires 60% charge
Rank 3 x2 Damage Requires 50% charge
Rank 4 x2 Damage Requires 40% charge
Rank 5 x2 Damage Requires 30% charge, x3 at 100%
Ability Name Beam (ビーム)
Type RangeIcon.png Shooting


Stat Level 1 Level 90
Fake City (フェイクシティ)
HVリミット (HV Limit) 1
装甲 (Armor) 380 3399
回避 (Anti-melee) 299 730
格耐 (Status-proof) 348 844
射耐 (Anti-ranged) 588 1404
尭冷 (Base Speed) 443 812
Grants Mobile Boost (50% boost to evasion). Activates a limited number of times per match.
Rank 1 Activates once per match
Rank 2 Activates twice per match
Rank 3 Activates thrice per match
Rank 4 Activates 4 times per match
Rank 5 Activates 5 times per match
Ability Name Accelerator (アクセル)
Type WheelIcon.png Vehicle

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