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Castle of Witches: Cave Exploration Treasure Hunt/Story 6

From Medarot S Wiki
Revision as of 04:25, 5 April 2021 by Damemon (talk | contribs) (Restored Old Revision #23450 by Aytimothy from 2020-10-06T06:54:28 | (default message))
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Speaker Text
Icon Arase.png Hmm ...! !! The weather is nice and the wind feels good.
It's a perfect day for a walk.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Yeah. There have been no strange incidents so far,
You can also stretch your wings slowly.
Icon Arase.png Yes Yes. It's best to relax on a day like this.
The cross is gradually ...
Icon Arase.png ……Hmm?
Icon CrossMessiah.png What happened? Arase-sama.
Icon Arase.png No ... you see, that little girl. Are you lost?
Haven't you been wandering around since a while ago?
Icon CrossMessiah.png Certainly it is.
...... Oh? Medabots are approaching from the other side.
Icon Arase.png Wow, what's that scary Medabots! ??
That child may have been attacked! Let's go see the situation!
Icon Arase.png Ki, you!
No injuries! ??
???? injury? Yes, there is nothing in particular.
Icon Arase.png Oh, that? It's strangely calm.
You're being attacked by this Medabots ...
???? No! !! !!
This child is my partner Tai-chan!
Icon Arase.png Well, that's right! ??
I'm sorry! !!
???? It's a sloppy. Buoyojiida, haha
The hoe is hollow
Titania Senna, I'm not good at it
!! I'm sorry. Anitai Hakubo
Icon Arase.png Let me see? ??
I have no idea what I'm talking about ...
Icon CrossMessiah.png This is Mr. Tytania.
I'm a cross. This is Master Arase.
Icon Arase.png Oh, this is Arase. nice to meet you.
What about you, the master of Tytania?
Icon Marin.png This is Mine.
Um, are you familiar with this area?
Icon Marin.png I came to this town with all the club activities,
I got lost. I'm in trouble now.
Icon Arase.png Did you get lost? If that's the case, we'll guide you.
I know this area very well.
Icon Marin.png Wow!
very helpful. Please.
Icon Marin.png ...... Mmm! ??
Icon CrossMessiah.png What is it for me?
Icon Marin.png Mr. Cross, are you a new model?
All the parts I have never seen.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Haha ...
Icon Marin.png Whose design is it? What kind of performance is it?
Can I disassemble it a little?
Icon Arase.png Disassemble! ??
Icon Marin.png I will definitely restore it, but is it useless?
Icon Arase.png I'm sorry, that's a little.
Icon Marin.png I'm sorry. I wanted to disassemble it.
Icon Arase.png Hahaha ... For the time being,
Are you looking for a friend of a stray club activity?
Icon Arase.png that?
Isn't Mine an elementary school student in club activities?
Icon Marin.png Yes, I'm a high school student.
Icon Arase.png Yeah, maybe skipping! ??
Wow! A genius girl! ??
Titania Dokei is again, Nyachin now, Enegareso
~ Where is Neyodanru Amoro and Ipo?
Icon Marin.png Mu. That's not true.
It happened that I got lost.
Icon Arase.png Mine understands what Tytania is saying⁉
I don't understand at all ...
Icon Marin.png Yes, I understand!
Icon Marin.png (Guu ~)
Icon Marin.png ……………….
Icon Arase.png Are you hungry?
If so, I'm sure there was ... in this area!
Icon Arase.png I'll give you this, chocolate.
It's bad to eat, but ...
Icon Marin.png Wow! Thank you!
Arase is a good person!
Icon Arase.png You are welcome.
Icon Arase.png Well then, let's guide you.
Where were you going
Icon Arase.png It's a lie ...
Miruki Oh boy! Welcome to Witch's Castle!
Did you get hooked on coming over and over again?
Icon Arase.png No, uh ... that ...
Mine-chan. The place you want to go is really here ...?
Icon Marin.png It is.
Icon Marin.png It is a popular attraction at the academy.
If you wait here, you should be able to join everyone.
Miruki Oh, meeting? If that's the case
Why don't you enjoy yourself first until the waiter arrives?
Icon Arase.png e? But it's not good if you pass each other.
Miruki Leave that to your sister as Dawn!
Miruki Making a duo of attraction participation conditions is already
It looks like it's cleared, so I'll go without a preface!
Miruki Medatoruro Bottle Milky!
Miruki This attraction is a huge treasure that sleeps underground
It is a clear condition to find!
Miruki Well then, let's go!
Icon Arase.png But no questions asked ...
Icon CrossMessiah.png ...... Well, to kill the time until Mine's friend arrives
May become. Was Mine all right?
Icon Marin.png Oh, it's amazing! Suddenly I came to the cave!
I'm excited about what the principle is!
Icon Arase.png Ahaha. It looks like you'll enjoy it, isn't it?
Icon Arase.png Well, I was told to look for treasure ...
Stray Medabot ...... Zaihouha, Watasanzo! !!
Icon CrossMessiah.png This is like a stray Medabots den.
Those who block the road should deal with it in order.
Speaker Text
Icon Arase.png う~ん……!!天気もいいし、風も気持ちいいし。
Icon CrossMessiah.png ええ。ここのところ妙な事件もありませんし、
Icon Arase.png うんうん。こんな日にはのんびりするのが一番だよ。
Icon Arase.png ……ん?
Icon CrossMessiah.png どうされましたか?アラセ様。
Icon Arase.png いや……ほら、あの小さな女の子。迷子かな?
Icon CrossMessiah.png 確かにそのようです。
Icon Arase.png わっ、なんだあのおっかないメダロット!?
Icon Arase.png キ、キミ!
???? ケガ?はい、特にありませんー。
Icon Arase.png あ、あれれ?妙に落ち着いてるな。
???? 違いますー!!!
Icon Arase.png えっ、そうだったの!?
???? だんるれさいがちんかくよ。ぶうょじいだ、ははあ
タイタニア せんな、ーねらかだめたみなんこ
Icon Arase.png え……えっと??
Icon CrossMessiah.png こちらはタイタニア様とおっしゃるそうです。
Icon Arase.png あ、アラセです。よろしく。
Icon Marin.png マインですー。
Icon Marin.png 部活のみんなと一緒にこの町に遊びに来たのですが、
Icon Arase.png もしかして、迷子?そういう事なら、オレたちが案内するよ。
Icon Marin.png わ~い!
Icon Marin.png ……むむっ!?
Icon CrossMessiah.png ワタクシに何か?
Icon Marin.png クロスさん、あなた新型機ですか?
Icon CrossMessiah.png は、はあ……。
Icon Marin.png 誰の設計ですか?どのような性能ですか?
Icon Arase.png ぶ、分解!?
Icon Marin.png 絶対元に戻しますけど、ダメですか?
Icon Arase.png ご、ごめん、それはちょっと。
Icon Marin.png 残念です。分解したかったです。
Icon Arase.png ははは……。と、とりあえず、
Icon Arase.png あれ?
Icon Marin.png はいー、高校生です。
Icon Arase.png ええっ、もしかして飛び級!?
タイタニア どけいいはまたあ、んゃちんいま、ぇねがれそ
Icon Marin.png む。そんなことはありません。
Icon Arase.png マインちゃんは、タイタニアの言ってること分かるの⁉
Icon Marin.png はいー、分かります!
Icon Marin.png (ぐぅ~)
Icon Marin.png ………………。
Icon Arase.png お腹すいてるの?
Icon Arase.png これあげるよ、チョコ。
Icon Marin.png わ~!ありがとうございますー!
Icon Arase.png へへ、どういたしまして。
Icon Arase.png それじゃあ、道案内しよっか。
Icon Arase.png ウソでしょ……。
ミルキー お、少年!ようこそ魔女の城へ!
Icon Arase.png いや、えっと……その……。
Icon Marin.png ですです。
Icon Marin.png 学院で評判のアトラクションです。
ミルキー あら、待ち合わせ?そういう事なら、
Icon Arase.png え?でも、すれ違いになったらよくないよ。
ミルキー その辺はおねえさんにドーンと任せなさい!
ミルキー アトラクション参加条件の2人組作りはもう
ミルキー メダトルロボトルミルミルキー!
ミルキー 今回のアトラクションは、地底に眠る莫大な財宝を
ミルキー それじゃー元気に、レッツゴー!
Icon Arase.png も、問答無用だった……。
Icon CrossMessiah.png ……まあ、マイン様のご友人が到着されるまでの時間潰しには
Icon Marin.png おお、すごいですー!突然洞窟に来てしまいました!
Icon Arase.png あはは。楽しんでくれそうだし、まあいっか。
Icon Arase.png さて、財宝を探せって言われたけど……。
野良メダロット ……ザイホウハ、ワタサンゾーーーーー!!
Icon CrossMessiah.png ここは野良メダロットの巣窟のようですね。

Page generated by script. English may be scruffy as this is reliant on automatic translation. Manual English translations to come.