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Chapter 13/Cutscene 13-1

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Speaker Text
Icon Ikki.png I can't believed we were banished out by the Rubber Robos...
What the heck...
Icon Koshimaru.png So the Rubber Robo's aim is to
win the Medalympics? I'm pretty sure.
Icon Koshimaru.png I can't believe that they kidnapped Saki...
I would still win even if they did that.
Icon Erika.png Besides, what's the prize even?
I didn't win at all...
Icon Arase.png At least me, Ikki and Koshimaru have all won our matches...
Icon Arase.png The Quarter-Finals are next, so I think
the Rubber Robos are in a hurry to put whatever they have into action.
Icon Arase.png They're not going to cause anymore trouble, are they?
I won't let myself down!
Icon Ikki.png They're going to ruin it again...
And I'm very worried.
Icon Ikki.png I was also going to say that that their Plan B was basically escaping.
There's something I can do...
Icon Saki.png If they are making Medabots in large quantities, we should be concerned about it.
Icon Saki.png That's probably why the Rubber Robos are
manufacturing the same model as Cross.
Icon Arase.png That's fine.
But I'm just curious...
Icon Arase.png If those are the same types that attacked me and Ikki, then...
Icon Hisaki.png I'm sorry...
Whoops, I let out a wind.
Icon Arase.png Hisaki, wait!
Icon Erika.png Uhhh.. I think I mentioned this once, but
right now Arase's problematic.
Icon Ikki.png Are you sure? I think you should chase it.
But I think Arase's alright.
Icon Arase.png .. I don't care anymore.
Let's, Cross.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Okay!
Icon Arase.png (I'm just worried about Cross.
But I just don't want to think about it right now.)
Icon Arase.png Well, it's already late.
Icon Arase.png Wait, where are you guys? You guys are not at the cafe...
Where did you guys go?
Icon YoungGirl.png Ah! He's going to be in the Quarter-Finals tomorrow!
Icon Arase.png Eh? Who are you?
Icon OldMan.png We'll be watching you tomorrow!
Icon Arase.png I'm in a hurry right now,
but why are there people gathering around me?
Icon Arase.png I'm sorry everyone, but
I'm kinda in a hurry right now.
End of Cutscene
Speaker Text
Icon Ikki.png いやあ、結局ロボロボ団に振り回されちゃったね。
Icon Koshimaru.png ロボロボ団の目的は、
Icon Koshimaru.png イッキに嫌がらせしたり、サキを誘拐したり……。
Icon Erika.png やっぱり、狙いは賞品じゃない?
Icon Arase.png とはいえ、結局オレもイッキも、コイシマルも
Icon Arase.png 次はとうとう準々決勝だし、
Icon Arase.png 何か更にとんでもない妨害とか、
Icon Ikki.png とんでもない妨害、か……。
Icon Ikki.png 逃げる間際に、プランBがどうとか言ってたし……。
Icon Saki.png そうなってくると、やっぱりあの
Icon Saki.png ……なんでクロスの同型機体を、
Icon Arase.png うっ……あ、あはは。
Icon Arase.png オレやイッキたちを襲ったあの同型たちと、
Icon Hisaki.png …………すみません。
Icon Arase.png ……あっ。ヒサキちゃん、待っ……!
Icon Erika.png ……あーあ、せっかく一回話を切り上げたのに。
Icon Ikki.png 追いかけたほうがいいと思う。
Icon Arase.png ううう、面目ない……。
Icon CrossMessiah.png ……はい。
Icon Arase.png (クロスのことも心配だな……。
Icon Arase.png っと、もうすっかり暗くなっちゃったな。
Icon Arase.png カフェの近くにはいないみたい……。
少女 あ! 明日の準々決勝に出る人だっ!
Icon Arase.png えっ!?オ、オレのこと!?
Icon OldMan.png おう、ボウズ。明日はバシッと決めろよ!
Icon Arase.png ちょちょ、今急いでるのに!
Icon Arase.png 申し訳ないけど、