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#227 Kimengar (キメンガー) is a Medabot with the model number KMN00.

Motif of the motif of the motif of the demon tile to protect the house from evil with evil in the form of demons.

Anyway, the sturdy armor is a tactic of the technician's technology of the producer.



Medapart Stats


Stat Level 1 Level 90
Chimen (キメン)
装甲 (Armor) 630 4649
成功 (Success) 0 0
威力 (Power) 0 0
充填 (Heating) 374 720
冷却 (Cooldown) 403 759
回数 (Ammo) 2 2
HV 1
Increases the damage on melee parts by 15%.
Rank 1 No Bonus
Rank 2 Heating & Cooling +50
Rank 3 Heating & Cooling +100
Rank 4 Heating & Cooling +150
Rank 5 Heating & Cooling +200
Ability Name Reckless (レックレス)
Type AssistIcon.png Support

Left Arm

Stat Level 1 Level 90
Juzu Kakuzume (ジュズカケズメ)
装甲 (Armor) 440 3699
成功 (Success) 355 1040
威力 (Power) 489 1352
充填 (Heating) 307 631
冷却 (Cooldown) 307 631
HV 0
A melee attack that hits 3 times.
Rank 1 No Bonus
Rank 2 Heating & Cooling +50
Rank 3 Heating & Cooling +100
Rank 4 Heating & Cooling +150
Rank 5 Heating & Cooling +200
Ability Name Claw (クロー)
Type MeleeIcon.png Melee

Right Arm

Stat Level 1 Level 90
Naglizno (ナグリズノー)
装甲 (Armor) 440 3699
成功 (Success) 249 794
威力 (Power) 230 750
充填 (Heating) 211 503
冷却 (Cooldown) 182 464
HV 1
Deals more damage based on the number of heavy parts equipped and has bonus success above a certain Medaforce Charge. May cause piercing. Cannot defend or evade during cooldown.
Rank 1 x1.5 Bonus success at 70% Medacharge
Rank 2 x1.5 Bonus success at 60% Medacharge
Rank 3 x1.5 Bonus success at 50% Medacharge
Rank 4 x1.5 Bonus success at 40% Medacharge
Rank 5 x1.5 Bonus success at 30% Medaforce Charge, x2 at 100% Medaforce Charge
Ability Name Break Hammer (ブレイクハンマー)
Type MeleeIcon.png Melee


Stat Level 1 Level 90
Tomoe Gake (トモエガケ)
HVリミット (HV Limit) 2
装甲 (Armor) 370 3349
回避 (Anti-melee) 548 1311
格耐 (Status-proof) 404 975
射耐 (Anti-ranged) 355 861
尭冷 (Base Speed) 447 817
Grants a power boost based on part rank every time an enemy part is destroyed. Stacks up to 5 times.
Rank 1 Power +20
Rank 2 Power +40
Rank 3 Power +60
Rank 4 Power +80
Rank 5 Power +100
Ability Name Blood Stain (ブラッドステイン)
Type BipedIcon.png Biped

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