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#186 Olympia (オランピア) is a Medabot with the model number DOL00.

Medabots with an antique doll and a rocking horse.

A beam is played with music from the music box of both arms, misleading the viewer with the eyes of the cloisonne.


Spotlight Gatcha (3★)

Medapart Stats


Stat Level 1 Level 90
Shoulder Head (ショルダーヘッド)
装甲 (Armor) 410 3549
成功 (Success) 437 1233
威力 (Power) 370 1077
充填 (Heating) 332 664
冷却 (Cooldown) 427 791
回数 (Ammo) 4 4
HV 0
Interrupts any Medabot who is heating and makes them turn around. Cannot defend during cooldown.
Rank 1 No Bonus
Rank 2 Heating & Cooling +50
Rank 3 Heating & Cooling +100
Rank 4 Heating & Cooling +150
Rank 5 Heating & Cooling +200
Ability Name Flash (フラッシュ)
Type MeleeIcon.png Melee

Left Arm

Stat Level 1 Level 90
Mermod Frères (メルモドフレル)
装甲 (Armor) 320 3099
成功 (Success) 304 921
威力 (Power) 560 1518
充填 (Heating) 275 588
冷却 (Cooldown) 266 576
HV 1
Deals Optical Damage. Does 2x damage if above a certain Medacharge amount. Cannot evade during cooldown.
Rank 1 x2 Damage Requires 70% charge
Rank 2 x2 Damage Requires 60% charge
Rank 3 x2 Damage Requires 50% charge
Rank 4 x2 Damage Requires 40% charge
Rank 5 x2 Damage Requires 30% charge, x3 at 100%
Ability Name Beam (ビーム)
Type RangeIcon.png Shooting

Right Arm

Stat Level 1 Level 90
Nicole Frères (ニコルフレル)
装甲 (Armor) 320 3099
成功 (Success) 351 1032
威力 (Power) 551 1499
充填 (Heating) 332 664
冷却 (Cooldown) 275 588
HV 1
Deals Optical Damage. Does 2x damage if above a certain Medacharge amount. Cannot evade during cooldown.
Rank 1 x2 Damage Requires 70% charge
Rank 2 x2 Damage Requires 60% charge
Rank 3 x2 Damage Requires 50% charge
Rank 4 x2 Damage Requires 40% charge
Rank 5 x2 Damage Requires 30% charge, x3 at 100%
Ability Name Beam (ビーム)
Type RangeIcon.png Shooting


Stat Level 1 Level 90
Rockin' Horse' (ロッキンホース)
HVリミット (HV Limit) 2
装甲 (Armor) 410 3549
回避 (Anti-melee) 263 646
格耐 (Status-proof) 425 1024
射耐 (Anti-ranged) 365 884
尭冷 (Base Speed) 374 720
Upon doing an action, you automatically gain Stealth. Stealth prevents any Medabot from targetting you (if not already targeting) until you perform an attack action.
Rank 1 Activates once per match
Rank 2 Activates twice per match
Rank 3 Activates thrice per match
Rank 4 Activates 4 times per match
Rank 5 Activates 5 times per match
Ability Name Illusion (イリュージョン)
Type HoverIcon.png Hover

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