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Chapter List

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This is a list of all the chapters in the story.

Season 1

Arase's Origin Story (はじまりの物語)
Chapter Japanese Name English Name Release Date
1 メダリンピック開催 The Medalympics Opening Ceremony Launch (22/01/2020)
2 メダリンピック予選 The Medalympics Qualifiers Launch (22/01/2020)
3 脅迫の写真 The Threatening Photograph Launch (22/01/2020)
4 潜入 Infiltration Launch (22/01/2020)
5 本戦開始 The Tournament Begins Launch (22/01/2020)
6 休息 Rest Launch (22/01/2020)
7 ロボトル指導 Robattle Guidance Launch (22/01/2020)
8 人助け Philanthropy Launch (22/01/2020)
9 洞窟探検 Cave Exploration Launch (22/01/2020)
10 大会と捜索と The Tournament, the Search, and... Launch (22/01/2020)
11 クロス Cross Launch (22/01/2020)
12 アジト Hideout Launch (22/01/2020)
13 最終決戦前夜 The Night Before the Finals Launch (22/01/2020)
14 大会・決勝 The Medalympics Finals Launch (22/01/2020)
15 人質解放 Hostage Release Launch (22/01/2020)
16 追走 The Chase Launch (22/01/2020)
17 オレたちの敵じゃない Not Our Enemy Launch (22/01/2020)
18 セレクト隊 The Select Corps Launch (22/01/2020)
19 スルメ Gillgirl (Surume) Launch (22/01/2020)
20 シオカラ Squidguts (Shiokara) Launch (22/01/2020)
21 サラミ Shrimplips (Sarami) Launch (22/01/2020)
22 サケカース Seaslug (Sakekaasu) Launch (22/01/2020)
23 博士 The Professor (Hakase) Launch (22/01/2020)

Season 2

Medabot Detectives (メダロット探偵)
Chapter Japanese Name English Name Release Date
1 盗まれたレアメダル Stolen Rare Medal 28/05/2020
2 メダロット探偵登場" Medabot Detectives on the Case! 28/05/2020
3 手がかりを追え! Following the Clues! 28/05/2020
4 怪盗団、始動! Mysterious Thieves Appears! 28/05/2020
5 みんなで特訓! Intensive Training! 28/05/2020
6 剛腕! Strong Arm! 28/05/2020
7 パーツを手に入れろ! Give us all your Medaparts! 28/05/2020
8 読心! Guts (or willies, or instinct) 02/07/2020
9 アジトに向かえ! Towards the Hideout! 02/07/2020
10 アジト The Hideout 02/07/2020
11 ???深部 The Crew Together 02/07/2020
12 クー Ku 02/07/2020

Season 3

A Space Adventure (宇宙冒険譚)
Chapter Japanese Name English Name Release Date
1 宇宙博覧会 Space Exhibition 06/08/2020
2 クラスター事件 Cluster Trouble 06/08/2020
3 みんなでロボトル Everybody Robattle! 06/08/2020
4 新クラスター New Cluster 06/08/2020
5 小惑星は謎だらけ Asteroid Tip-off 06/08/2020
6 海辺のランデブー Seaside Meeting 06/08/2020
7 森の怪人 Forest Aliens 10/09/2020
8 山の怪力 Mountain Powers 10/09/2020
9 潜入!スぺロボ団基地 Space Rubber Robo Base Infiltration 10/09/2020
10 秘かなる野望 Secret Ambitions 10/09/2020
11 シードメダル Seed Medal 10/09/2020
12 ただいま、地球! Back on Earth 10/09/2020

Season 4


Ikki Medarot 2 Chronicles (?)