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Season 2/Chapter 4/Cutscene 4-END

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Revision as of 13:44, 5 April 2021 by Damemon (talk | contribs) (Restored Old Revision #23368 by Aytimothy from 2020-10-06T05:17:38 |)
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Speaker Text
Mysterious Woman I've been off guard ... I'll do it better than I expected.
Mysterious Woman It's been getting a lot of attention, and maybe it's time to pull ...
Icon Anise.png そうはいくもんですか!
Mysterious Woman Oh, how about that?
Icon Anise.png Kya ...! ??
What is this, a smoke screen! ??
Mysterious Woman The play is over.
Well then, a little detective.
Icon Anise.png Wait a minute ... koho, koho! !!
Icon Anise.png Oh, I've already escaped ...!
I wonder who that woman is ...?
Icon PhantomGill.png Oh, welcome back.
Apparently, I was impatient, Pasila.
Icon Pashira.png ...... I was too overwhelmed.
I thought it was just a child, but I'll do it unexpectedly.
Mysterious Man Hohohoho.
It seems that it was awkward for the dashing appearance.
Large Mysterious Man I'm sorry.
Did you make it a kid who could kill you for such a second?
Icon Pashira.png Shut up.
You guys are careful not to scoop your feet.
Large Mysterious Man Han!
The little girl who has run away isn't talking like a big girl.
Icon Pashira.png なんですって……?
Icon PhantomGill.png Okay. I knew that the Roborobo corps was involved.
You don't have to make so much noise with one mistake.
Icon PhantomGill.png As you see through Pasila's disguise
Is it really like a Laurel detective agency?
Icon PhantomGill.png The essential Laurel seems to be chased by an incident outside the city
If you see my notice, you'll have to come back.
Mysterious Man ほっほっほ。
Icon Pashira.png I will definitely return the debt.
Large Mysterious Man It's still doing cool things.
I should have done it quickly.
Icon Pashira.png It's a shak, but I agree with that.
From now on, I'll do it in my specialty.
Icon PhantomGill.png Fufufu. It seems to be motivated and above all.
We have all the actors, and it's time to move in earnest.
Icon PhantomGill.png Ancient relics of unknown details ...
Rare medals should have been in our hands--
Speaker Text
謎の女 油断しちゃったわ……思ったよりやるじゃない。 
謎の女 注目されてきたし、引き時かな……。
Icon Anise.png そうはいくもんですか!
謎の女 あら、それはどうかしら?
Icon Anise.png きゃっ……!?
謎の女 遊びは終わりよ。
Icon Anise.png ちょっと待っ……こほっ、こほっ!!
Icon Anise.png ああもう、逃げられちゃった……!
Icon PhantomGill.png おや、おかえり。
Icon Pashira.png ……見くびりすぎたわ。
謎の男 ほっほっほ。
謎の大男 情けねぇな。
Icon Pashira.png 黙りなさい。
謎の大男 はん!
Icon Pashira.png なんですって……?
Icon PhantomGill.png まあまあ。ロボロボ団が関与している事はわかったんだ。
Icon PhantomGill.png パシーラの変装を見破るあたり、
Icon PhantomGill.png 肝心のローレルは街外れの事件に追われているようだけれど
謎の男 ほっほっほ。
Icon Pashira.png 借りは必ず返させてもらうわ。
謎の大男 まだるっこしいことをするからだ。
Icon Pashira.png シャクだけど、そこは同感ね。
Icon PhantomGill.png ふふふ。やる気があるようで何よりだよ。
Icon PhantomGill.png 詳細不明の古代遺物……。

Page generated by script. English may be scruffy as this is reliant on automatic translation. Manual English translations to come.