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Chapter 18/Cutscene 18-1

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Speaker Text
Icon Arase.png They've escaped, but where have they went?
Icon Ikki.png On the other side of this employee-only line,
there's a staircase that goes underground!
Icon Koshimaru.png The Rubber Robos must have
escaped through here!
Icon Arase.png Let's go!
Icon Selects.png 「「「We've found some civilians!」」」
Icon Arase.png Oh! The Select Corps!
What are they doing here?
Icon Selects.png We are also
tracking the Rubber Robos!
Icon Selects.png We can't let them get away with
taking over the Medalympics!
Icon Koshimaru.png Yes! We've got some allies now!
Icon Selects.png You guys can't go chasing them!
It's too dangerous!
Icon Arase.png Eh?!
Icon Selects.png It's our job to protect you children!
Please leave it to us and follow the other evacuees.
Icon Arase.png Yeah... But...
Icon Koshimaru.png We can still chase them as a group!
Icon Selects.png I can't allow that
it's dangerous!
Icon Koshimaru.png Why? We know!!
Icon Selects.png If you try to go after them,
we'll stop you with full force!
Icon Arase.png Eh?!? We have to fight the Select Corps?!?
Icon Selects.png You are stepping in the way of justice!
End of Cutscene
Speaker Text
Icon Arase.png ――こっちの方に逃げたはずだけど、
Icon Ikki.png あっ!あの立ち入り禁止マークの向こう側、
Icon Koshimaru.png ロボロボ団と地下って組み合わせ……
Icon Arase.png とりあえず、行ってみようっ!
Icon Selects.png 「「「民間人を発見したであります!」」」
Icon Arase.png セレクト隊!!
Icon Selects.png もちろん、ロボロボ団を
Icon Selects.png メダリンピックを乗っ取るなど
Icon Koshimaru.png やったあ!これで味方が増えたね!!
Icon Selects.png 皆さまはこの下へ行かれるつもりですか?
Icon Arase.png え!?
Icon Selects.png こどもを護るのはオトナの仕事!
Icon Arase.png で、でも……。
Icon Koshimaru.png いまは非常事態なんだ!
Icon Selects.png ダメであります!危ないであります!
Icon Koshimaru.png なんでだよ!?分からず屋!
Icon Selects.png ……通るというなら。全力で止めるために、
Icon Arase.png ええ!? なんでセレクト隊と戦うハメに!?
Icon Selects.png これも正義のつとめであります!