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Chapter 18/Cutscene 18-2

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Speaker Text
Icon Selects.png Argh, these are some tough kids!
Icon Arase.png We want to win the tournament,
that's why you have to let us through and not worry about us!
Icon Selects.png No! As the keeper of the peace,
we can't let you put yourself in unnecessary danger!
Icon RubberRobo.png Oh yes, keep on fighting with the Selects!
Icon CrossMessiah.png ...That's...
Icon Arase.png The Rubber Robos are here...
Icon RubberRobo.png Oh shit... This is a
bad time to come out...
Icon Koshimaru.png Found you!!
Icon Hisaki.png (screams) There's a Rubber Robo over there!
Help me!!!
Icon Selects.png There's a scream from over there!
The Rubber Robos might be there! Go and secure them!
Icon RubberRobo.png Oh no!! ~robo
Just wait up!
End of Cutscene
Speaker Text
Icon Selects.png ……うむむ、なかなかに手強いこどもたちであります!
Icon Arase.png それなりに大会も勝ち進んでるからね……!
Icon Selects.png いいえ!正義をまもるものとして、
Icon RubberRobo.png ロボ! ヤツらセレクト隊ともめているロボ!
Icon CrossMessiah.png おや、あのシルエットはもしや……。
Icon Arase.png ……ロボロボ団、だね。
Icon RubberRobo.png ロボ? ……なんだかダメなタイミングで、
Icon Koshimaru.png 「「「イヒヒ…………」」」
Icon Hisaki.png きゃ、きゃー! あそこに、ロ、ロボロボ団がー!
Icon Selects.png ……むむ!悲鳴が聞こえたであります!!
Icon RubberRobo.png ロボーーー!?