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Chapter 19/Cutscene 19-END

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Speaker Text
Icon Gillgirl.png No, not you again!
Icon Arase.png Just because I'm an executive, don't think things are easy for me.
Also, I'm not your enemy!
Icon CrossMessiah.png No, but I did enjoy winning...
Icon Gillgirl.png Seriously!!!
This tournament has...
Icon Gillgirl.png Finally, finally!! (ended)
I can finally think about living in a high rise apartment!
Icon Ikki.png By the way...
Weren't you one of the incident perpetrators?
Icon Gillgirl.png Perpetrators?!? I'm not crazy enough
to make it come true doing these sorts of things!
Icon Hisaki.png Have you considered
just working hard in a job?
Icon Gillgirl.png Yeah, but it has to be easy for me to do...
Icon CrossMessiah.png You're just lazy. I'm disappointed with you.
A lady of your status shouldn't be acting like that!
Icon Gillgirl.png Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Icon Gillgirl.png But remember someday I'll
become an adult.
Icon Gillgirl.png Then the day will come when I can retire.
Icon Gillgirl.png Oh-hohohoho...
Icon Arase.png Damnit!
She got away again!!
Icon Koshimaru.png Only thing she's good at is running with her tail between her legs...
Icon Ikki.png Let's just leave her; there's still three more gang leaders!
End of Cutscene
Speaker Text
Icon Gillgirl.png ま、また、こどもに邪魔をされましたわ!
Icon Arase.png 一応幹部だから、ちょっと手強かったけど。
Icon CrossMessiah.png むしろ、あの頃より快勝でございます。
Icon Gillgirl.png きーー!ムカつく!!
Icon Gillgirl.png やっと……やっとっ!!
Icon Ikki.png ……え、ひょっとして。
Icon Gillgirl.png 悪い!? 夢をかなえるには、
Icon Hisaki.png 真面目に働く、
Icon Gillgirl.png ラクしてもうけるのが一番ですわ!
Icon CrossMessiah.png 怠惰の極みですね。心底呆れてしまいます。
Icon Gillgirl.png おだまり! おだまり! おだまり!
Icon Gillgirl.png 覚えてらっしゃい!
Icon Gillgirl.png ……ラクしたくなる日が、来るのよ!!
Icon Gillgirl.png おーほほほほほっ!!
Icon Arase.png あっ……!
Icon Koshimaru.png 逃げ足だけは、むちゃくちゃ早い……。
Icon Ikki.png 放っておいて、ぼくたちは先へ急ごう!