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Chapter 3/Cutscene 3-1

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Speaker Text
Icon Hisaki.png Congratulations on beating the qualifiers!
Icon Arase.png Heh heh heh,
Icon Hisaki.png Eh? Why are you feeling down?
Icon Hisaki.png You don't look like you liked
being dragged along for the opening ceremony.
Icon Arase.png I didn't not like doing it.
It's just that it was my first time in such a big tournament and my heart was pounding like mad!
Icon Hisaki.png It might be scary for you as a beginner, but think of it as your debut!
Just believe in yourself!
Icon Arase.png ... Uhh.. Sure.
It was great, but there's a lot of pressure on me...
Icon CrossMessiah.png At least Hisaki's cheering on you!
You've got honor to make her happy.
Icon Arase.png ... You're right! Right?
Tournament Player That was a half-baked 'yes'...
Icon Arase.png You seem troubled...
Icon RubberRobo.png I'm fine?
Isn't that right?
Icon RubberRobo.png If you trouble us again, we will release embarrassing pictures of you!
Tournament Player T.. That... is...
Icon RubberRobo.png If you do that, you'll lose in the main tournament.
Tournament Player Hey Coward
Fight me!
Icon Arase.png He's one of the Medafighters who participated in the Medalympics qualifiers...
Icon Arase.png Surrounded by the Rubber Robos
... and threatened?
Icon Hisaki.png That Rubber Robo is losing,
Arase! We need to do something!
Icon Arase.png Mmm!
Icon Hisaki.png Are you going to go help them?
Icon Hisaki.png Just like when you
helped me back then?
Icon Arase.png Well, of course!
Hahaha, okay! I'm going to help him!
Icon Arase.png What is that weird thing?
You aren't allowed to bully people!
Tournament Player What is that mono image?!?
Icon RubberRobo.png Huh?
Icon Arase.png Stop threatening other people!
Tournament Player ... It's you...
Icon Hisaki.png Do you need any help?
Don't do it! Don't do something unpleasant to him!
Icon RubberRobo.png Oh! A beginner, huh?
Prepare to be defeated!
Icon Arase.png Oh, you're the same guy we met before.
I didn't know because you guys all kinda look the same.
Icon RubberRobo.png If you're here to get in the way again, let's Robattle!
And this time, I'm not going to loose!
Icon Arase.png I never won on flukes, that was skill.
I'll win again, this time! Let's fight!
End of Cutscene

// Actually transcribe and not worry about the formatting...

Speaker Text
Icon Hisaki.png 予選突破、おめでとうございますっ!
Icon Arase.png へへへ……。
Icon Hisaki.png ……あれ、落ち込んでます?
Icon Hisaki.png アラセ様は情けないことに、
Icon Arase.png お気になさることないですよ。
Icon Hisaki.png 初心者で本戦出場なんて、とってもすごい事ですよ!
Icon Arase.png ……ううーん。
Icon CrossMessiah.png お嬢様に応援いただいておるのです。
Icon Arase.png それもそうだよね!……いや、そうか?
大会参加者 ――いいかげん、しつこいぞっ!
Icon Arase.png ……? なんか騒がしい……。
Icon RubberRobo.png ――いいロボか?
Icon RubberRobo.png 逆らうなら、恥ずかしい写真を
大会参加者 そ、それは……。
Icon RubberRobo.png それがイヤなら、大会本戦で負けるんだロボ。
大会参加者 ひ、卑怯者っ!
Icon Arase.png メダリンピックの予選で活躍してた、
Icon Arase.png ロボロボ団に囲まれて、
Icon Hisaki.png あのロボロボな人、本戦で負けろなんて……。
アラセさん! どうしましょうか!!
Icon Arase.png ……えっ!?
Icon Hisaki.png 助けに行かれるんでしょう?
Icon Hisaki.png わたしをカッコよく
Icon Arase.png っと、当然じゃないか!
はははっ! よーし!助けよう!
Icon Arase.png ――そこのヘンテコな方々!
大会参加者 弱いモノイジメ!?
Icon RubberRobo.png ロ、ロボっ!?
Icon Arase.png そうだっ! 脅しなんてやめるんだ!
大会参加者 って、あれ、キミは……!
Icon Hisaki.png いま困っていらっしゃいましたよね?
ダメですよ! 人のイヤなことをするのは!
Icon RubberRobo.png あーっ! あの時の初心者!
Icon Arase.png あ、前に会ったやつと同じヤツか、あんた。
Icon RubberRobo.png また邪魔する気なら……勝負ロボ!
Icon Arase.png まぐれじゃなくて、実力だっ!