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Chapter 4/Cutscene 4-END

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Speaker Text
Icon Ikki.png At any rate, thank you very much.
You've saved me!
Icon Arase.png Oh, it's no problem! I really couldn't have done it without you!
Icon Arase.png But still, the Rubber Robos
are still out there.
Icon Hisaki.png ... Hey, but
at least you got her to delete that embarrassing photo of Ikki, right?
Too bad it's all a waste; all of Ikki's efforts to get a female suit tailored for him.
Icon Arase.png Eeehhh?!?
Little Girl Yah-hO!
Little Girl Truthful Journalist:
Erika Amazake, reporting!
End of Cutscene
Speaker Text
Icon Ikki.png 今回はいろいろありがとう。
Icon Arase.png 当然のことをしただけだよっ!
Icon Arase.png まあ、結局ロボロボ団は
Icon Hisaki.png ……で、でも!
Icon Arase.png えっ!?
女の子 やっほー!
女の子 正義のジャーナリスト、