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Chapter 7/Cutscene 7-2

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Speaker Text
Icon PhantomRenegade.png That's some nice movement!
You've improved so much you've surprised me!
Icon PhantomRenegade.png However, you two are still very stubborn towards each other!
You guys need to fight together!
Icon PhantomRenegade.png If that's the case, I'll see you guys later!
Icon Arase.png Aa, he left.
I can't believe such an amazing person left us.
Icon Arase.png We almost fought together.
Cross, we need to keep at it!!
~Medalympics Tournament Hall~
Icon Arase.png Let's go, partner!
Mysterious Man Fofofo...
Mysterious Man I'm Shrimplips
One of the leaders of the Rubber Robo Gang!
Icon Arase.png The Rubber Robos!!
You're participating in the tournament?
Icon Squidguts.png Fofofofo
I saw you win the preliminary rounds.
Icon Squidguts.png But, I really hate you.
Icon Arase.png Of course.
Icon Squidguts.png That's something you don't hear everyday.
Icon Squidguts.png I can't let you guys interfere.
You boys can't get in the way.
Icon Arase.png What are you talking about?
But me and my partner will not lose!
Icon Arase.png Cross, use the same cord!
Icon CrossMessiah.png Eeh! Arase!
Icon MrOruchi.png With that said, are both sides in agreement?
Icon MrOruchi.png MEDABOTS--
Icon MrOruchi.png FIGHT!!!
End of Cutscene
Speaker Text
Icon PhantomRenegade.png ふむ、よかろう!かなり動きが良くなった!
Icon PhantomRenegade.png 2回戦の相手は、手強いぞ!
Icon PhantomRenegade.png ではまた会おう! さらばだ!
Icon Arase.png ……あー、行っちゃった。
Icon Arase.png ……もうすぐ、2回戦だ。
Icon Arase.png さて、2回戦目の相手は……と。
謎の男 ふぉっふぉっふぉっ……。
謎の男 わしはシオカラ。
Icon Arase.png ロボロボ団っ!?
Icon Squidguts.png ふぉっふぉっふぉっ。
Icon Squidguts.png ――わしは、こどもがキライじゃ。
Icon Arase.png い、いきなりだなぁ。
Icon Squidguts.png こどもは、ぜんぜん言うことを聞かん。
Icon Squidguts.png 全く、ワシが出張ることになったのも、
Icon Arase.png 何言ってるのかわからないけど、
Icon Arase.png クロスと一緒に、オレは勝つ!
Icon CrossMessiah.png ええ! アラセ様っ!
Icon MrOruchi.png それでは、合意とみてよろしいですね!?
Icon MrOruchi.png ロボトル
Icon MrOruchi.png ファイト!!