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Chapter 9/Cutscene 9-1

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Speaker Text
~Select Corps HQ~
Icon Selects.png We're going to send you home right away!
Icon Shrimplips.png But I don't have a home...
Icon RubberRobo.png Give him--! Return him--! ~roboroboroborobo
Icon Arase.png Oh no...
Icon Koshimaru.png The Rubber Robos are all here to get us back.
Saki, do you know where they took you?
???? ... I have the answer to that!
Icon Arase.png !? That voice! Is it...?
Icon PhantomRenegade.png I'm the color of the dining table, here to protect everyone while they're eating!
I'm the Medafighter that makes curry at the perfect temperature; ready to eat!
Icon Arase.png The Phantom Renegade!!
Icon Koshimaru.png Renegade!? That was an amazing entrance!
Icon CrossMessiah.png ... I think that's him?
Icon Hisaki.png So, Phantom, where was Saki
being held captive?
Icon PhantomRenegade.png It's very possible she was stowed at the Rubber Robo's
hideout in the mountain cave.
Icon Koshimaru.png What?! Then we need to go there and confront them now!
Icon PhantomRenegade.png No! It's too dangerous for you guys to go there!
Icon PhantomRenegade.png For now, we'll let Shrimplips go,
and you guys will wait.
Icon PhantomRenegade.png It's too dangerous at the moment.
I now have to go,...
Icon Arase.png ... So what are you going to do about it?
Icon Koshimaru.png I'm just a little worried about Saki.
Anyway, we all have to face the Robos anyway, right?
Icon Koshimaru.png Wah! The scenery!
I can see the whole town from here!
Icon Arase.png The scenery here is so amazing!
There's a lot of farm Medabots working around here.
Icon Arase.png For some reason, they just attack any human it sees.
All the town folk seem to just avoid this area.
Icon Hisaki.png Which also makes it the perfect place to do some training,
Right? Arase?
Icon Arase.png Yeah. When I first met Cross, Hisaki made me
before I fought others, she made me train here.
Icon Arase.png Yeah, but do you know
where the entrance is?
Icon Koshimaru.png Hey there, don't think like that.
We'll definitely find it.
Icon Arase.png ...Wow...
Icon Hisaki.png So the cave does exist!
Icon Arase.png It's a little unsettling in here... Hahaha.
There's a lot of entrances around here...
Icon Arase.png For example, a big
brown rustling thing flying around...
Icon Koshimaru.png That's not funny; stop it!
Icon CrossMessiah.png I hear something or someone approaching...
Icon Koshimaru.png 「「「.........」」」
Somewhere nearby... *rustle* *rustle* *rustle*
Icon Koshimaru.png 「「「Yikes!!!」」」
End of Cutscene
Speaker Text
Icon Selects.png ちゃんと親元に届けるであります!
Icon Shrimplips.png まいごじゃないでしゅー!
Icon RubberRobo.png 離せーー! 離すロボーー!!
Icon Arase.png やれやれ、はぁ……。
Icon Koshimaru.png 他のロボロボ団員も捕まえたのになぁ。
???? ……それはワタシが、答えよう!
Icon Arase.png !? この声は、もしかして……!
Icon PhantomRenegade.png ……彩りましょう食卓を、みんなで防ごうつまみ食い!
Icon Arase.png 快盗レトルトだーー!!
Icon Koshimaru.png 怪盗!? カッコいいーーー!!!
Icon CrossMessiah.png ……ワタクシの感性が
Icon Hisaki.png レトルトさん、サキさんがどちらに連れて行かれたか、
Icon PhantomRenegade.png うむ。どうやらロボロボ団は
Icon Koshimaru.png え!?それじゃあ、今すぐ向かおうよ!!
Icon PhantomRenegade.png キミたちだけでは、いささか危険かな。
Icon PhantomRenegade.png ひとまずサラミのところに行ってくるから、
Icon PhantomRenegade.png 少々危険だろうからね。
Icon Arase.png ……って、レトルトさんは言ってくれたけど。
Icon Koshimaru.png もちろん、サキが心配だからね!
Icon Koshimaru.png うわ~! いい景色っ!
Icon Arase.png うん。この裏山は、景色はいいけど、
野良メダロットが たくさん生息していて
Icon Arase.png 人を襲うこともあるから、
Icon Hisaki.png ロボトルの練習には最適な場所ですよっ!
ねっ! アラセさん!
Icon Arase.png アハハ… そういえば、ヒサキちゃんにクロスをもらって
Icon Arase.png でも、こんなところに
Icon Koshimaru.png ねぇねぇ!!あれじゃない!??
Icon Arase.png ……うわぁ、すごーい!
Icon Hisaki.png こ、こんな洞窟があったんですね。
Icon Arase.png ちょっと怖い気もするけどね。ははは……。
Icon Arase.png 例えば……大きくて、
Icon Koshimaru.png いやいや、そんな冗談やめてよ~!
Icon CrossMessiah.png ……いえ、なにかが近づいてきています。
Icon Koshimaru.png 「「「…………」」」
茶色のナニか ――ガサガサガサガサッ!!
Icon Koshimaru.png 「「「ぎゃあああああああああっ!!!」」」