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Season 2/Chapter 1/Cutscene 1-1

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Speaker Text
Icon Arase.png Woah! There's a lot people here!
Icon Arase.png This is the first time I've been to the Medabot Corporation,
is it always this crowded?
Icon CrossMessiah.png I don't think so. I think it's just because
of the exhibition that is being held today.
Icon Arase.png Oh right! They're are going to
unveil the new rare medal they've found!
Icon Arase.png I just Rare Medals are just popular then.
Anyway, let's try to take a look at it!
Icon CrossMessiah.png Oh yeah, have you been
checking the news regularly?
Icon CrossMessiah.png You know this event is broadcasted
by pretty much every news network, right?
Icon Arase.png Ehh?!?
Icon CrossMessiah.png A lot of people have been staying away from these sort of events
because of what happened previously at the Medalympics...
Icon CrossMessiah.png Plus with the state of things,
people aren't as out and about as before...
Icon Arase.png I see... I wonder if there's a Battle Corner here...
Or is it just an exhibition?
Icon CrossMessiah.png Oh. I see.
Icon CrossMessiah.png ... Oh by the way, you should try to act like an Adult
if you want to grow as a Medafighter...
Icon CrossMessiah.png It's good for you.
Like for example, checking the news...
Icon Arase.png Huh? Okay.
Icon Arase.png I was worried about the Medalympics
when the news started reporting about it.
Icon Arase.png With that, I hope Dr. Hebereke escaped safely...
Icon Arase.png I hope this isn't the Doctor's exhibition... Is it?
Icon CrossMessiah.png It's not.
This one is by the Medabot Corporation.
Icon CrossMessiah.png At least the prizes are aren't as weird as last time...
Icon Arase.png Last time? The Medalympics?
The prize of "We will grant you a wish"?
Icon Arase.png So what are you expecting of today's prizes?
Icon CrossMessiah.png Even though it's a "free prize", not
everybody will win something...
Icon CrossMessiah.png Oh yeah, the researchers are also looking for someone
who can win 10 consecutive battles at the Battle Corner...
Icon Arase.png Uh huh.
Icon CrossMessiah.png And they're giving those who can...
Icon Arase.png What are they giving?
Icon CrossMessiah.png They'll give you a chance to Robattle with
the Rare Medals they have on display.
Icon Arase.png Oh! That sounds like a one-in-a-lifetime thing...
I really want to try them. Let's go!
Icon Arase.png I've improved a lot since the Medalympics,
10 straight wins should be a cake walk!
Icon CrossMessiah.png It's only an exhibiton match,
so don't get too pumped up.
Icon CrossMessiah.png If you get too into it,
you might get scooped.
Icon Arase.png Hahaha... Alright, alright.
Let's enter now!
End of Cutscene
Speaker Text
Icon Arase.png わ、思ってたより人が多いなあ。
Icon Arase.png メダロット研究所って初めて来たけど、
Icon CrossMessiah.png いえ。この人集りは皆、ワタクシたちと同じく
Icon Arase.png なんでも、最近発掘されたっていう
Icon Arase.png レアメダルって、こんなに人気だったんだ。
Icon CrossMessiah.png ……その様子からすると、
Icon CrossMessiah.png 今回、メダロット研究所が開催したこのイベントは、
Icon Arase.png えっ!?
Icon CrossMessiah.png 先のメダリンピックで起きた騒動の影響から、
Icon CrossMessiah.png そんな情勢を盛り上げるという意味も込められており、
Icon Arase.png そっか、たしかロボトルのコーナーもあるんだっけ。
Icon CrossMessiah.png ええ。そういうことですね。
Icon CrossMessiah.png ……ところでアラセ様は、メダロッターとして成長する前に
Icon CrossMessiah.png よい機会です。
Icon Arase.png うっ……。わ、わかったよ。
Icon Arase.png メダリンピックの事件が騒がれてた頃は
Icon Arase.png そういえばヘベレケ博士って、結局無事だったのかな……。
Icon Arase.png ……まさか、この展示会も博士が裏で、とか……?
Icon CrossMessiah.png それはありませんね。
Icon CrossMessiah.png 少なくともロボトルのコーナーの景品はあの時のような
Icon Arase.png あの時?ああ、メダリンピックのこと?
Icon Arase.png それで、今日の景品は何がもらえるの?
Icon CrossMessiah.png はい。景品と言っても何かをもらえるわけでは
Icon CrossMessiah.png ロボトルのコーナーでは研究員の方が用意した
Icon Arase.png ふむふむ。
Icon CrossMessiah.png 見事10連勝を達成した方には……
Icon Arase.png 達成した方には……?
Icon CrossMessiah.png 展示されるレアメダルが装着されたメダロットと
Icon Arase.png そうなんだ! いいな、滅多にできない経験だよね。
Icon Arase.png メダリンピックの時も結構勝ち進んだし、もしかしたら
Icon CrossMessiah.png 全く……。まあ、あくまでレクリエーションですから、
Icon CrossMessiah.png そのような油断をしていると、足元を掬われますよ。
Icon Arase.png ははは……ごめんごめん。