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Season 3/Chapter 1/Cutscene 1-2

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Speaker Text
Icon Arase.png Wow ... is this the venue!
Icon Hisaki.png I heard that it was a success,
You're a really amazing person!
Icon CrossMessiah.png Both of you
Let's buy a ticket first.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Apparently, the waves of people over there
It looks like the end of the line.
Icon Hisaki.png Oh yeah ... Let's line up right away, Mr. Arase.
If you don't do it early, it will sell out!
Icon Arase.png Huh.
He was a great person, but he managed to buy it!
Icon Hisaki.png Yeah. It seems that you can enjoy the exposition because there are many lines.
Icon RubberRobo.png --Boys and girls there!
Robo waiting for a while!
Icon Arase.png Wow, Roborobodan! ??
Why in such a place! !!
Icon RubberRobo.png Robo that can't be helped!
Robo who gently sends the ticket without asking why!
Icon Hisaki.png Um ... there seems to be something wrong ...
Icon Hisaki.png If you want a ticket
May I just line it up normally ...?
Icon RubberRobo.png Well, it's lined up, but the tickets are sold out in front of me Robo!
If you can't buy it, the leader will get angry!
Icon Arase.png Can't you give it to me when you say that?
We could finally buy it side by side.
Icon RubberRobo.png Well, no questions asked Robo!
If so, Robo will help you!
Icon CrossMessiah.png Apparently, I don't understand even if I say it by mouth.
Icon Hisaki.png It can't be helped.
It's a big deal for those who don't know!
Speaker Text
Icon Arase.png わあ……ここが会場か!
Icon Hisaki.png 盛況とは聞いていましたけど、
Icon CrossMessiah.png おふたりとも、
Icon CrossMessiah.png どうやら、あそこに見える人の波が
Icon Hisaki.png あらあら……さっそく並びましょう、アラセさん。
Icon Arase.png ふう。
Icon Hisaki.png ええ。たくさん並んだ分、博覧会も楽しめそうで――
Icon RubberRobo.png ――そこの少年少女!
Icon Arase.png うわあっ、ロボロボ団!?
Icon RubberRobo.png どうしてもこうしてもないロボ!
Icon Hisaki.png ええっと……何か事情がおありのようですが……。
Icon Hisaki.png チケットがほしいなら、
Icon RubberRobo.png な、並んだけど目の前でチケットが売り切れたんだロボ!
Icon Arase.png そんなこと言われたって、渡せるわけないだろ?
Icon RubberRobo.png ええーい、問答無用ロボ!
Icon CrossMessiah.png どうやら、口で言ってもわからないようですね。
Icon Hisaki.png 仕方がありませんね。

Page generated by script. English may be scruffy as this is reliant on automatic translation. Manual English translations to come.