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Season 3/Chapter 10/Cutscene 10-2

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Speaker Text
Icon Arase.png I was surprised to be surrounded by executives,
I managed to get through ...!
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png Hmm ... Even though there is Kasumi,
It seems like I'll do a lot of new faces!
Icon Arase.png Is that so? Tehehe.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Arase, it's not the case when you're laughing now.
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png You guys still have a lot to see.
Why don't you join the Sperobo team?
Icon CrossMessiah.png I've been solicited by the Roborobo group before ...
Is an evil organization always understaffed?
Icon Arase.png I'll leave the invitation ...
Icon Arase.png First of all, can you listen to us?
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png Hmm.
Well, let's get rid of that skill and listen to the story.
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png You told me to give you a seed medal.
What does that medal have to do with you?
Icon Shiten.png There is a lot.
The power of the seed medal may save the earth.
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png Earth? What do you mean?
Icon Shiten.png Environmental problems are increasing rapidly on the earth.
At a level that requires immediate countermeasures.
Icon Shiten.png At that time, a life reaction was detected on this asteroid.
We went out as part of an environmental survey ...
Icon Shiten.png The environment of this asteroid was richer than expected.
Raiun says it's with you guys Sperobo ...
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png It was created with the help of seed medals.
……got it. I'm pretty sure.
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png To protect the global environment
I want to study the power of seed medals. Is that so?
Icon Shiten.png That's right. Also communicate with Dr. Medabots.
I want to investigate the power of seed medals and make use of them.
Icon Kasuma.png As far as I can see this asteroid, if I have a seed medal
I think there is a good chance that the environment of the earth can be restored.
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png Certainly, the power of seed medals is useful.
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png Originally it was something I found by chance, but now it's
It has become an indispensable force for our asteroid development.
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png After all, the plants have taken root in this area.
Only after I realized the power of that medal.
Icon Arase.png I don't know how difficult it is ...
It seems that the earth will be in trouble if it is left as it is.
Icon Arase.png Will you give me a seed medal?
Professor, please ...!
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png Umm ………………………………
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png ………………………… No!
Icon Hiyouri.png Hey!
It's not the flow to hand it over now! ??
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png Noisy! Give you a seed medal,
What if this asteroid becomes inhabited again! ??
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png Can you come this far and give up!
Cosmic Speroboland! Advance into space for humankind!
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png By all means, settle with Robottle!
If my yes loses, I'll give you a medal!
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png But if my yes wins ... you guys
I'll have you work here as a theme park staff!
Icon Hisaki.png I don't want you to get the seed medal,
The work seems to be fun too ...!
Icon Arase.png Hisaki-chan, do you get along with the professor?
Well, than that ...
Icon Arase.png I received that robin!
I will win for the sake of the earth!
Icon Arase.png …… Oh, the current lines may be a little cool.
Icon CrossMessiah.png Are you saying?
Let's not be distracted!
Speaker Text
Icon Arase.png 幹部たちに囲まれてビックリしたけど、
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png ほう……。カスミがいるとは言え、
Icon Arase.png そ、そうですか?てへへ。
Icon CrossMessiah.png アラセ様、いまは笑っている場合ではありませんよ。
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png おまえたちは、やはり見所がある。
Icon CrossMessiah.png 以前もロボロボ団から勧誘を受けましたが……。
Icon Arase.png お誘いの件は置いておくとして……。
Icon Arase.png それより、まずオレたちの話を聞いてくれません?
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png ふん。
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png シードメダルを渡せ、とか言っておったな。
Icon Shiten.png 大ありさ。
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png 地球を?どういうことじゃ。
Icon Shiten.png 地球ではいま、環境問題が急激に増加しているんだ。
Icon Shiten.png そんな時、この小惑星で生命反応が探知された。
Icon Shiten.png この小惑星の環境は予想以上に豊かなものだった。
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png シードメダルの力を借りて作り上げたものじゃな。
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png 地球環境を守るため、
Icon Shiten.png その通りだ。メダロット博士とも通信してね。
Icon Kasuma.png この小惑星を見る限り、シードメダルがあれば
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png たしかに、シードメダルの力は有用じゃ。
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png もとは偶然見つけた代物じゃったが、いまとなっては
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png なにせ、この地に植物が根付いたのも、
Icon Arase.png オレ、難しいことはよくわかんないけど……。
Icon Arase.png シードメダルを渡してくれませんか?
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png うむ………………………………
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png …………………………ダメじゃ!
Icon Hiyouri.png ちょ、ちょっと!
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png やかましーわ!おまえたちにシードメダルを渡して、
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png ここまで来て、諦めきれるものか!
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png どうしてもと言うなら、ロボトルで決着をつける!
Icon ProfessorKazanbai.png じゃが、わがはいが勝ったら……おまえたちは
Icon Hisaki.png シードメダルを渡してもらえないのは困りますが、
Icon Arase.png ヒサキちゃん、教授とちょっと気が合うのかな?
Icon Arase.png そのロボトル、受けた!
Icon Arase.png ……おお、今のセリフ、ちょっとかっこいいかも。
Icon CrossMessiah.png 言ってる場合ですか。

Page generated by script. English may be scruffy as this is reliant on automatic translation. Manual English translations to come.