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Super Battle: Shiden/Cutscene END

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Speaker Text
Icon Shiten.png After all it is strong. You guys.
Icon CrossMessiah.png No, only Sidden.
I couldn't afford it either ...
Icon Arase.png Is this the true ability?
Icon Shiten.png Yup. I got good data.
Thank you.
White Glen I'm sorry, Alpha.
With the help of you, I couldn't win ...
White Glen ...... I am disqualified as a partner.
Icon Shiten.png …… Surely my partner has a serious responsibility.
Both are required to have the ability to protect RR.
Icon Shiten.png But you know.
You must have learned something more important today.
Icon Shiten.png It's too early to give up. As far as the last robin is seen
I think we can still be stronger.
White Glen ...... Then ...!
Icon Shiten.png Huff ... I'm counting on you.
My partner.
White Glen Huh!
We will do our best to be a true beta!
Icon Arase.png Wow, that's cool ...
Cheerful Masked Medafighter Z I hit my shoulder ... Isn't it a little too scratched?
Icon CrossMessiah.png No, that is the president's measure.
Everyone has something to learn from that behavior.
Cheerful Masked Medafighter Z Well, that's for sure. Even though he is so young, he is the president.
Not only Arase-kun, but I should also follow ...
Icon Shiten.png …… Ah, that's right. I forgot to say one.
Was it a good man Z mask?
Cheerful Masked Medafighter Z ん?なんだい?
Icon Shiten.png Our Medabots that Arase and his friends first blew away.
Their repair costs ... Is it okay to charge the operation here?
Cheerful Masked Medafighter Z Yeah! ??
What's wrong with that! ??
Icon Shiten.png Well, I wonder if there is some management responsibility on the management side.
It's about this face value ...
Cheerful Masked Medafighter Z ……Hmm?
Cheerful Masked Medafighter Z ええええええええっ!?
Icon Shiten.png とんでもない!適正価格だとも。
Cheerful Masked Medafighter Z That's right! ??
If you can't stand upside down like this!
Icon Shiten.png ...... Ahaha! I'm sorry, I'm kidding.
No matter what, this was an overcharge.
Icon Shiten.png However, I would like you to pay some repair costs.
Icon Shiten.png Well, what is the ratio of responsibility?
Allocate the cost of customization to this.
Icon Arase.png シ、シデン……全然目が笑ってない……。
Icon CrossMessiah.png Apparently ... White Glen
There seems to be something to be learned and something not to be learned ...
Icon Arase.png I should be influenced by strange things ...
White Glen I see……! Never miss a chance at any time.
As expected it is my alpha!
Icon CrossMessiah.png Maybe it's too late ...
Icon Arase.png No.
White Glen alpha!
Is there anything I can do to help! ??
Icon Shiten.png Then, can you give me detailed data on the broken Medabots?
I'd like to pack a little more and present an amount that is mutually convincing.
White Glen Huh! Please leave it to me!
Cheerful Masked Medafighter Z Why are you supposed to pay! ??
Cheerful Masked Medafighter Z Forgive me yeah yeah yeah yeah!
Speaker Text
Icon Shiten.png やっぱり強いな。キミたちは。
Icon CrossMessiah.png いえ、シデン様たちこそ。
Icon Arase.png これが本来の実力ってことか……。
Icon Shiten.png うん。いいデータがとれたよ。
ホワイトグレン 申し訳ありません、アルファ。
ホワイトグレン ……オレは、パートナー失格です。
Icon Shiten.png ……確かにボクのパートナーは責任重大だ。
Icon Shiten.png でもね。
Icon Shiten.png まだ諦めるには早いよ。最後のロボトルを見る限り、
ホワイトグレン ……で、では……!
Icon Shiten.png フフ……頼りにしてるよ。
ホワイトグレン ハッ!
Icon Arase.png うわ~、カッコいいなあ……。
快人Z仮面 肩まで叩いちゃって……ちょっとキザすぎない?
Icon CrossMessiah.png いえ、あれが社長の度量というものでしょう。
快人Z仮面 ま、それは確かに。あれだけ若いのに社長さんやってるんだ。
Icon Shiten.png ……あ、そうそう。ひとつ言い忘れていた。
快人Z仮面 ん?なんだい?
Icon Shiten.png 最初にアラセくんたちが吹き飛ばしたウチのメダロット。
快人Z仮面 ええ!?
Icon Shiten.png いやあ、多少は運営側の管理責任もあるかなと。
快人Z仮面 ……ん?
快人Z仮面 ええええええええっ!?
Icon Shiten.png とんでもない!適正価格だとも。
快人Z仮面 そ、そんなぁ!?
Icon Shiten.png ……あっはっは!すまない、冗談だよ。
Icon Shiten.png とは言え、やはり多少の修繕費は出していただきたい。
Icon Shiten.png そうだな、責任の比率はこんなものだろう?
Icon Arase.png シ、シデン……全然目が笑ってない……。
Icon CrossMessiah.png どうやら……ホワイトグレン様にも、
Icon Arase.png ヘンな影響を受けなきゃいいけど……。
ホワイトグレン なるほど……!どんな時でもチャンスを見逃さない。
Icon CrossMessiah.png もしかすると、もう手遅れかもしれませんね……。
Icon Arase.png う、うん。
ホワイトグレン アルファ!
Icon Shiten.png なら、壊れたメダロットの詳細なデータを出してくれるかい?
ホワイトグレン ハッ!おまかせください!
快人Z仮面 な、なんで払う前提になっているんだ!?
快人Z仮面 もう勘弁してえええええええっ!

Page generated by script. English may be scruffy as this is reliant on automatic translation. Manual English translations to come.