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Season 2/Chapter 8

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// todo.


Number Japanese Name English Name
Cutscene 8-1 不穏な動き Disturbing Movements
Cutscene 8-2 手がかり Leads
Robattle 8-1 現場へ向かえ1/4 Approaching the Crime Scene 1/4
Robattle 8-2 現場へ向かえ2/4 Approaching the Crime Scene 2/4
Robattle 8-3 現場へ向かえ3/4 Approaching the Crime Scene 3/4
Robattle 8-4 現場へ向かえ4/4 Approaching the Crime Scene 4/4
Cutscene 8-3 最後のパーツ Final Pieces
Robattle 8-BOSS カイエン Kaien
Cutscene 8-END 絆の勝利 Tethered Victory